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Terri Sewell’s reaction to the Mueller news ‘poses more questions than it answers’

Representative Terri Sewell's (D-Birmingham) reaction to the Mueller report's findings is almost incomprehensible. Sewell's official statement is filled with provably false notions and silly assertions. "Attorney...

7 Things: No collusion, legalized medical marijuana possible in Alabama, newspaper subsidies being targeted by freshman legislator and more …

7. Substitute teacher inadvertently fires a gun in a classroom and is arrested --- Friday, 72-year-old Henry Rex Weaver was teaching first grade at Blountsville...

VIDEO: ‘Clean lottery bill’, Common Core could be done in Alabama, Trump vs. McCain and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Is Sen. Jim McClendon's "clean...

7 Things: ISIS loses its caliphate, Doug Jones thinks he is as ‘close to in the middle as you can possibly get’, Alabama’s Common...

7. In a twist on active shooter drills, a school in Indiana staged mock executions --- Looking for realism, trainers used non-lethal ammo and pellet...

7 Things: Trump and the public want to see the Mueller report, Common Core repeal moves on, Trump cannot stop attacking a dead war...

7. Remington Arms will lose $3 million in incentives from the state after failing to meet hiring goals --- Remington is obligated to hire 1,868...

Dale Jackson: The ‘clean lottery bill’ is not clean, nor a lottery bill

There was hope that the Alabama legislature would be dealing with a simple and non-complex lottery bill this legislative session. This was false hope. Alabama...

7 Things: ‘Clean lottery’ bill may not be clean, Trump says Democrats can’t ‘pack the court’ which they are saying they want to do,...

7. President Donald Trump and conservatives vs. social media giants --- Earlier this week, Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) sued Twitter and some users over harassment,...

Internet rebellion against Rebuild Alabama runs out of gas

If you are a consumer of social media, talk radio or the Internet in general, you probably have seen the anger the Rebuild Alabama...

7 Things: Lottery looming, Doug Jones won’t say where he is on impeachment, Rebuild Alabama gas tax increase could be headed to court in...

7. Companies in New Zealand are thinking of pulling ads from Facebook because the killer posted his attack to the service ---  Over 50 companies...

7 Things: Gas tax calculation hurts big counties, Speaker McCutcheon says there is no deal on Medicaid expansion, New Zealand attack already politicized and...

7. The president of the United States spent the weekend ripping the corpse of former Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) --- President Donald Trump brought up...

VIDEO: Governor Ivey gets the gas tax increase done, Medicaid expansion deal may be done, Media Matters war on discourse and more on Guerrilla...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Is Governor Kay Ivey going...

7 Things: Terror attack in New Zealand, Alabama senators split on rescinding emergency declaration on border security, Trump praises Toyota growth that includes Huntsville...

7. A new poll shows Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) leading in the potential race for U.S. Senate --- New polling from the "Club for Growth"...

The responses to Congressman Byrne’s comments on illegal aliens, ‘Beto’ O’Rourke’s candidacy show you the true Democratic Party

America is at a critical crossroads on the issue of illegal immigration. The president of the United States is about to veto a resolution...

7 Things: There may already be a deal on Alabama’s Medicaid expansion, Manafort gets more jail time, 2 million more Dreamers and more …

7. Auburn assistant basketball coach implicated in federal bribery scheme that is similar to the issues grabbing headlines for involving two actresses --- The situation did not...

7 Things: Kay Ivey wins big, Alabama State Senate overwhelmingly votes for Rebuild Alabama, Alabama Democrats expect to be heard moving forward and more...

7. Remington Arms is about to go through layoffs after receiving incentives to come to Huntsville --- The question about whether there would be layoffs in...

‘Indexing’ polls terribly because politicians can’t or won’t explain why it’s needed

This Rebuild Alabama Act is a gas tax increase that is filled with landmines for politicians. Any tax increase is going to be unpopular. I would...

7 Things: Gas tax increase looks inevitable in Alabama Senate, Democrats say Trump’s budget is DOA, no impeachment if Speaker Pelosi has her say...

7. Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) hit plenty of issues at an appearance in Montgomery, including infrastructure, immigration and President Donald Trump --- While speaking at the Montgomery...

VIDEO: State of the state, Sen. Jones cries ‘voter suppression’ without evidence, Ivey’s ‘Rebuild Alabama’ plan moves forward and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Is the state of the...

No, Mo Brooks didn’t vote ‘no’ on a resolution condemning hate

As with most issues that make Democrats look bad, the media slow walks the issue hoping the blackface governor of Virginia can keep his...

7 Things: Gas tax vote to take place in the House today, former Gov. Bentley tries to rebrand himself as anti-tax, Doug Jones finds...

7. Alabama could move forward with drug testing for food stamp recipients --- Representative Tommy Hanes (R-Bryant) has proposed legislation that would require some food stamp...

7 Things: Pressure ramps up on gas tax increase, dumb teacher drops racial slur and worse excuse, Mike Rogers blames Democrats for immigration and...

7. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) has been appointed to a climate change panel in the House; All Republican members come from energy-producing states --- While...

7 Things: Ivey declares the state is growing, special session is up, Trump is ready to fight Democrat probes and more …

7. Madison County probate judge grants rights to an unborn fetus --- Judge Frank Barger granted Ryan Magers the right to represent his unborn aborted...

Dale Jackson: I supported a gas tax, but the handling of ‘Rebuild Alabama’ is wrong

I don't think there is any question that Alabama needs to address its infrastructure needs. There has not been an increase in the gas tax...

7 Things: Ivey to sell ‘Rebuild Alabama’ in her State of the State, Trump praises Ivey and offers help, racist kids embarrass themselves and...

7. Maybe the situation at the border is a crisis after all --- As at least four Republicans prepare to force President Donald Trump to veto...