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Historic North Korea Summit explainer and backstory

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: HISTORIC AMERICA/NORTH KOREA SUMMIT -- HOW DID IT MEASURE UP? TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, June 12th is a...

7 Things: Cruz offers fix to ‘family separation issue,’ illegals stream into Alabama, Walt Maddox says nothing but still gets headlines, and more

1. Sen. Ted Cruz offers a bill to end the "child separation" crisis; Sen. Chuck Schumer rejects it to keep a campaign issue --- Cruz's...

Regions latest to withdraw from BCA

Regions Financial Corp. became the latest company to withdraw its membership from the Business Council of Alabama. According to a story in the Montgomery...

7 Things: Illegal immigrants told not to come to U.S., another protest march is planned, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey questions Trump’s tariffs, and more...

1. Looks like the Trump plan on the border is paying off --- Maria Covernali who helps illegals enter the U.S. is now telling people that...

7 Things: Everyone is mad about a policy from decades ago, Alabama Senator Doug Jones goes soft on immigration, Democrats think Trump is more...

1. The media is lying to us about border policy, they know they are lying to us, and they don't care --- No, we are no separating "asylum"...

SpaceX’s Elon Musk: ‘I’m a socialist’

Friday, SpaceX CEO and lead designer Elon Musk took to social media and declared he was “a socialist.” In a back-and-forth about this designation with...

VIDEO: Trump/Kim summit — there will be no Gubernatorial debate — IG report says “no bias,” and more on Guerrilla Politics!

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories including: -- Who comes out looking best...

DC favoritism could jeopardize 600 Alabama jobs — Senate defense bill could favor Elon Musk’s SpaceX over Decatur rocket-builder ULA

Remember the days of high school and the social hierarchy of the lunchroom that was a part of everyday life? It was a pecking...

7 Things: IG and bias, $750 million Facebook investment to Alabama, AG Sessions defends enforcing immigration policy, and more

1. Report that has multiple instances of bias, declares there was no bias -- just really terrible job performance --Somehow a report that included texts...

We love talking about Republicans who don’t like Trump, but what about Alabama Democrats?

In Republican primaries, we're seeing the argument about who loves Trump the most taking center-stage. With Congressman Mark Sanford in South Carolina it mattered,...

7 Things: NK is ‘no longer a Nuclear Threat’, let’s keep pretending there might be a Gubernatorial debate, Alabama loves Trump, and more …

1. President Trump declares North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat; anger at this is odd --- Trump has offered up some, probably premature, words,...

7 Things: Trump credits his rhetoric for summit, Alabama politicians applaud Trump, Montgomery Advertiser reporter tries to re-brand former Democrat in AL02 run-off, and...

1. As the media criticizes Trump for dealing with Kim Jong Un, Trump tells Sean Hannity his strong rhetoric led to the summit --- After spending...

Alabama congressmen seem optimistic about the U.S./North Korea summit

Depending on who you watched or listened to this morning, the meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is...

In gay wedding cases, justices are failing duty to provide guidance to lower courts

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to review a decision by the Washington Supreme Court upholding a judgment against a florist who refused to...

7 Things: G7 meeting goes sideways, Alabama’s GOP softens on gambling, some Democrats downplay economic gains, and more …

1. Trump responds to Canadian leader's denouncement with anger, American media pouts, and American consumer will pay --- The G7 summit ends with Trump telling...

Fascinating ways blockchain will change your life, even if Bitcoin turns out to be a bubble

Bitcoin’s price gyrations over the past year have attracted widespread attention. Even if we do not become Bitcoin billionaires, the blockchain technology behind Bitcoin...

Beware, Alabama Republicans: Low Dem primary turnout doesn’t necessarily mean large-margin November wins

Now that the dust has settled and we’ve weeded out some of the pretenders from the contenders, things look pretty good for Alabama Republicans. Despite...

Era of anti-incumbency may be ending in Alabama

Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon pulled off a feat previously unseen in the speaker’s office: He protected every one of his incumbent members...

7 Things: Rep. Ed Henry arrested, Walt Maddox comes out swinging wildly, leaker arrested in D.C., and more

1. State Representative Ed Henry is arrested for Medicare fraud --- Henry was indicted and charged with 6 14 counts including planning to defraud Medicare and...

Alabamian Alice Johnson, freed by President Trump: ‘Thank you for this mercy’

“Good luck to Alice Johnson. Have a wonderful life!” President Trump tweeted Thursday morning, one day after commuting the sentence of the woman who...

7 Things: McCabe may take the 5th, Social Security is broke, Alabama Democrats are delusional, and more

1. Disgraced former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe wants immunity or he won't talk --- As members of Congress attempt to call the fired official...

Alabama Lt. Governor run-off will likely be close

After Tuesday night’s election, it is still unclear who will represent the Republican party for lieutenant governor in November’s general election. Candidates Twinkle Cavanaugh...

Alabama Attorney General runoff: A case of good polling, and what’s to come

The results are in. Attorney General Steve Marshall and former Attorney General Troy King will face each other again next month in a Republican primary...

7 Things: Tough run-offs, Ivey-Maddox, Trump plays the NFL again, and more …

1. Two remaining statewide races, lieutenant governor and attorney general, got ugly at the end and will remain that way for the next 6 six weeks ---...