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7 Things: Trump team responds to Mueller, Alabama AG sees First and Second Amendment issues on 3D gun printing bans, Alabama employers may see...

7. Democrats' Russia hysteria is based on nothing and being drummed up for political purposes in Alabama and other states --- Florida Senator Bill Nelson...

Is the South a different country? New York Times op-ed misreads election data

A provocative New York Times op-ed last week argued that political scientists oversimplify the great divide in American politics as an argument between rural...

7 Things: Midterms not looking good for Republicans, former Alabama Governor Robert Bentley is back, Sen Doug Jones is polling well despite looming Kavanaugh...

7. As social media and media distribution companies ban Infowars' Alex Jones, Twitter's CEO accurately describes why it is a bad idea --- The CEO...

Recent polling could influence Sen. Jones’ confirmation vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh

The latest polling published by Morning Consult shows more Alabama voters approve of Senator Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) than disapprove. The numbers say that 45 percent...

7 Things: Manafort gets rolled but not on collusion, the Alabama Accountability Act works, and more …

7. No one in the media seems too upset that provocateur insane Alex Jones has been removed from major media platforms --- Facebook, YouTube, Apple...

Author Jon Meacham’s vision for the South: Less MAGA hats, more visits to Montgomery’s lynching memorial

Last week, TIME magazine's "The South Issue" hit newsstands with the goal of explaining this part of South's "complicated story" to a readership that...

Who’s running? Previewing Alabama’s 2020 U.S. Senate Election

Alabama has been stuck in what seems like one endless election cycle since 2015. And it’s not going to end anytime soon. As signaled by...

7 Things: Trump Tower meeting lies exposed, Alabama helps astronauts get back in space, Trump vs. America’s most loved/hated athlete, and more …

7. The people demanding you love the media and honor them as heroes don't really care what anyone else thinks about their performance --- After...

Gov. Ivey sets sights on education policy while Maddox focuses on process

With Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox still drumming up the liberal media's faux outrage about debates, Governor Kay Ivey launched her first television ad ahead...

VIDEO: Alabama polling shows Republican strength, Maddox takes anti-gun rights endorsement, Trump vs. media/Sessions/Mueller, and more on Guerrilla Politics!

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Can recent polling give Democrats...

Luther Strange still fighting against liberal environmental agenda

"Big Luther" might be out of office, but he hasn't finished towering over environmental activists. The former United States Senator is known for his staunch...

7 Things: Trump polling with Hispanics surges as he hits 50 percent, Michael Cohen alleged to have deal with Alabama nuke plant owner, Alabama...

7. The United States' failures to rein in Putin's Russia don't only start in 2016. They apparently go back 10 years --- An agent for the...

7 Things: Trump says Sessions should end the probe, gun control protesters protest an empty State House, Mississippi started taking Alabama’s sports gambling money...

7. Those Russian Facebook trolls banned yesterday led to the three anti-Trump protests. --- 32 different Russian-controlled Facebook pages were removed from Facebook, leaving their...

Why do we hate the media? This isn’t hard to figure out

The media's obsession with the term "gaslighting" in relation to President Donald Trump's less than truthful statements and projections is rather amusing. But, what...

7 Things: No collusion in Manafort trial, President Trump continues to say collusion is not a crime — but the media lies about that,...

7. Results of the tax cuts are being felt on every level. More cuts are being suggested, including some using executive power --- 90 percent of...

7 Things: Giuliani confuses everyone, socialism is really expensive, gun control debate takes place of the debate in the Alabama governor’s race, and more...

7. Journalists, who have whined for two years about attacks on the press, attack the press --- Last week, journalists were apoplectic that the president...

7 Things: Trump steps on good economic news with Mueller tweets, Sen. Doug Jones can’t make a decision, Governor Ivey slams media and Maddox,...

7. Alabama Democrats love playing the victim. It won't stop this election cycle --- Whining about debates has been Walt Maddox's main form of gaining media...

VIDEO: Trump’s chaotic trade strategy, 20 percent of Democrats view ICE favorably, Walt Maddox’s chances are just Alabama media hype, and more on Guerrilla...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Is Trump racking up trade...

The Alabama Democrat victimization game is strong, but it doesn’t get them votes

When you are losing a political race, you need a hook, and it looks like Alabama Democrats are looking to make themselves the victim...

How conservative principles benefit the environment: a lesson from Alabama’s red snapper

Many coastal and red snapper loving Alabamians may find themselves disappointed by recent events. On July 16th, the State of Alabama announced that recreational red...

7 Things: Mueller/Cohen news, government reunites illegals and their kids inside the U.S., Alabama Governor Ivey is 3rd most popular governor in America, and...

1. Robert Mueller's Russian interference probe is looking at Tweets to find obstruction of justice, which is not collusion --- In a sign that the special...

Walt Maddox should apologize for his campaign spokesman’s rumor mongering or name names

Make no mistake about it, Walt Maddox is getting crushed in the race for Governor. Polls place him in the upper 20s while Ivey...

7 Things: Trump wins preliminary trade war, Walt Maddox is polling in the 20s, Alabama’s Commissioner of Agriculture welcomes federal assistance, and more …

1.  One of President Trump's trade wars might be off, EU agrees to come to the table --- In what could turn out to be a big...

7 Things: The president’s lawyer turns on him, tariff war brings on socialism, Walt Maddox answers simple questions but wants a gubernatorial debate, and more...

1. President Donald Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen released a tape of the president discussing paying off a Playboy playmate --- Cohen's attorney, former Clinton...