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7 Things: Trump calls for ratcheting down rhetoric after bombs, media/Trump blame each other for bombs with no evidence, Mo Brooks calls illegals a...

7. Montgomery County Schools joins Baldwin County in wanting to keep kids from transferring out of failing schools -- The AEA wants to help --- Board...

They will find the person responsible for these recent attempted bombings — Your reaction is probably already baked in

When political violence, vandalism or chaos takes place two things usually happen: the left blames the right and the right blames the left. It...

7 Things: Trump isn’t the only one playing loose with the facts on the caravan, Soros was giving money to Maddox, early voting favors...

7. Two sentenced to prison in the scheme to stop the cleanup of an EPA Superfund site --- Joel Gilbert, a former partner at Balch & Bingham,...

President Trump is launching a masterful closing argument against Democrats on all their weakest points

People will often point to promises of Supreme Court justices as the reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, but that is convoluted and off-base. Trump's...

7 Things: The caravan from Central America grows as Rep. Byrne wants to build the wall, Maddox campaign somehow gets more desperate, racist fliers...

7. The fight over transgender bathrooms and other petty silliness is back --- The Trump administration is attempting to define sex as the gender with which...

It is time to stop pretending there is some massive voter suppression effort underway

Did you know today is the last day to register to vote in Alabama? No? Well, turn on your TV, radio, computer, cell phone or...

7 Things: Trump’s approval rating spikes, caravan of future illegal aliens keeps coming, Maddox doesn’t know what he is doing as he runs for...

7. $1.6 billion jackpot --- After no one won the $1 billion Mega Millions jackpot on Friday, the jackpot for the drawing on Tuesday at 11 p.m....

VIDEO: The “October Surprise” that wasn’t, George Soros dumps money into Alabama, Saudi Arabia creates an international incident and more on Guerrilla Politics…

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Why is the Maddox campaign...

Let’s be serious, George Soros isn’t donating money to Governor Kay Ivey

FINALLY! The Alabama Gubernatorial race is heating up! Democratic candidate for governor Walt Maddox has started hitting Governor Kay Ivey over an alleged health situation with no...

7 Things: Illegal immigration argument in the WH, libs complain about pot enforcement costs, Maddox demands Ivey prove his smear, and more …

7. 2020 is definitely underway, with Sen. Kamala Harris proposing a straight-up giveaway to every person making less than $100,000 a year. --- Sen. Harris...

7 Things: A lame October Surprise, illegal immigrant caravan, Medicaid expansion misunderstood by Maddox again, and more …

7. Definitely not a mob --- In the last 48 hours, multiple Republican candidates have been attacked in Nevada when a “tracker” was arrested after assaulting...

The “October Surprise” in the governor’s race is something we heard about a year ago?

If this is really the final push for Walt Maddox to get his campaign's "Kay Ivey is sick" narrative into the news, they may...

7 Things: Ivey and Maddox clash on abortion, Alabama candidates load up on cash for the final stretch, “Horseface” and “Tiny”, and more …

7. Secretary of State John Merrill wants the state to go after those who are committing voter fraud. --- While speaking to Dale County Republicans,...

Doug Jones just doesn’t get it; he represents Alabama and is not Chuck Schumer’s personal senator

The cowardly caretaker junior senator in an ill-fitting suit from the great state of Alabama apparently doesn't like being criticized. As reported by Yellowhammer...

Are Alabama Republicans softening on Medicaid expansion?

The race for Governor in Alabama has been boiled down to three issues: Governor Kay Ivey's claim she steadied the ship of state Democrat challenger Walt Maddox whining about...

7 Things: Sanctions on Saudi Arabia could be painful for all, President Trump grants Governor Ivey’s disaster request, and more …

7. NBC News, and plenty of other outlets, told a lie this weekend about President Donald Trump, President Ulysses S. Grant and General Robert E....

7 Things: Trump and Kanye, Tennessee’s version of Doug Jones, Saudi Arabia probably killed a journalist and more …

7. Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson says he will not be testifying before Congress --- Simpson's firm was hired during the 2016 presidential campaign by the law...

It looks like Tennessee has their own wannabe Doug Jones

When Alabama's cowardly caretaker junior senator from the great state of Alabama was running for office, he argued that he would represent the state...

7 Things: Trump slams ‘Medicare for All,’ Ivey and Trump still very popular in Alabama, Democrats keep calling for violence and more …

7. Things are getting harder for Democrats in the Senate, but possibly easier in the House --- Last week, polls for Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) moved...

141 members of Congress, including Alabama’s Terri Sewell, chose not to sign a resolution against illegal aliens voting in our elections

Last month, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution against illegal immigrants voting. Text of the resolution reads as follows: Whereas voting is fundamental to a functioning...

7 Things: Ivey sees a lottery in the state’s future, Democrats love guns even though the NRA doesn’t love them back, poor Hillary Clinton...

7. A socialist has won a city council seat in Alabama --- Liberal Huntsville activist Frances Akridge defeated former Superintendent and State School Board member...

Democrats in Alabama love guns, but only during elections

We are less than a month before an election and Democrats are looking down the barrel at another round of embarrassing and demoralizing election...

7 Things: Trump’s poll numbers, GOP chances improve during Supreme Court fight, Maddox calls pro-life legislators ‘disgusting,’ out-of-state money pours in to fight the...

7. The world is over in 12 years, according to CNN -- It's over in 22 years, according to the New York Times and they...

Walt Maddox says he will ‘never lie to you,’ but that’s not believable

Democrats have it good. If a Republican started a campaign commercial with this image, they would be mocked by every media outlet in Alabama, CNN...