Opinion — Page 124

While the media hyperventilates about voter fraud in North Carolina, they may want to take a look at California (and Alabama)

7 Things: Autopsy ratchets up the tension in Birmingham, Mike Rogers opposes government contract awarded to an Alabama company, Alabama home values take a hit on the coast and more …

7 Things: Former President George H.W. Bush passes, Galleria shooter arrested, Alabama remains number one and more …

VIDEO: Cohen pleads guilty, shooting at an Alabama mall, Byrne makes moves against Doug Jones and more on Guerrilla Politics …

7 Things: Hoover Galleria suspect apprehended, Michael Cohen plea revitalizes media's Mueller fever and more …

7 Things: Trump denies Russian collusion in answers to Mueller, Hoover officials attempt to calm the city, Alabama sees great tax revenue numbers and more …

7 Things: Senator Doug Jones is in trouble, Mississippi election goes exactly as expected so the media is sad, protesters in Hoover go to the mayor's house and more …

7 Things: Local, national media are inflaming racial tensions, Mississippi is the latest test of Democrats' Doug Jones strategy, Trump furious at GM closing plants and more …

7 Things: Barbarians at the southern gates, man killed on Black Friday didn't fire shots that hit victims, Alabama Tourism Director credits Doug Jones for some convoluted reason and more …

VIDEO: Alabama's political media mourns Matt Hart, Mississippi wants the next Doug Jones, an increased gas tax looks very likely and more on Guerrilla Politics…

7 Things: Trump answers Mueller's questions, Rep. Sewell is latest Democrat to lie about voting issues, a gas tax is coming and more …

Mo Brooks questions Trump administration's reaction to lawsuit about counting illegal aliens in the census

7 Things: Controversial deputy AG is out, Walt Maddox gets a participation trophy from himself, the SPLC demands no penalties for unpaid speeding tickets and more …

Another day, another political contest where the media wants a Southern state to replicate Alabama's Doug Jones mistake

7 Things: Trump gives himself an A+, Alabama's unemployment rate is still really low, the caravan is at the border and more …

VIDEO: Voter suppression angst disappears, Doug Jones is running for re-election, pension problems plague Alabama and more on Guerrilla Politics…

7 Things: Doug Jones continues to draw fire for moves in D.C., DOJ fights back against Alabama on counting illegal aliens in the 2020 Census, poll shows 60 percent of Americans don't want a second Trump term and more …