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7 Things: Doug Jones wants to continue to hedge on Kavanaugh, Senate Judiciary gives Kavanaugh accuser options she won’t take, Maddox claims he doesn’t...

7. Alabama's secretary of state has been sued... for blocking people on Twitter --- The three Twitter users and the American Civil Liberties Union of Alabama...

Walt Maddox’s campaign says he takes on all questions? So, #WheresWalt?

Make no mistake: the media and Alabama Democratic gubernatorial nominee Walk Maddox want a debate. They have made it their main campaign plank from...

Walt Maddox finally has a plan for Medicaid expansion and it’s pretty bad

Alabama Democrats love bad ideas. They also have no clue how to pay for these terrible ideas, even though some have tried to figure it...

7 Things: Kavanaugh confirmation drama continues, Maddox still has no clue how to pay for his Medicaid expansion, Trump declassifies information related to Russia...

7. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) makes an appearance in a local city council race --- Municipal elections are generally low turnout and non-partisan, but the...

Alabama is to blame for Brett Kavanaugh getting Roy Moore’d

When Doug Jones beat Roy Moore to become Alabama's junior Senator for a few years, a message was sent to politicos all over the...

7 Things: Senator Doug Jones wants to pause Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Maddox tries to tie Ivey to Robert Bentley, Republicans view the ‘blue wave’...

7. As the death toll with Hurricane Florence continues to rise, media are still fixated on President Donald Trump's insistence that the numbers in...

7 Things: Brett Kavanaugh faces yet another absurd attack, Trump fights over hurricane death tolls, Alabama Democrats embrace national Democrats’ worst ideas and more...

7. Cash bail could be on its way out in Alabama if Cullman County ruling gives movement steam --- A federal judge ruled that Cullman...

Medicaid expansion, ‘Medicare-for-all’ — Is there a terrible idea that Democrats won’t endorse?

Healthcare has been a hot-button political issue for decades. Big government and central control are always on the wishlists of progressive candidates. Democratic gubernatorial nominee Walt...

7 Things: Maddox wants to spend $150-$200 million on Medicaid expansion, Trump now blamed for a hurricane, please accept there will be no gubernatorial...

7. President Donald Trump continues to be a terrible investment for all of those in the media who tell us he colluded with Russia...

Walt Maddox touts Medicaid expansion — Media doesn’t mention price tag

Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox spoke to some of the state's retirees Tuesday about his campaign for governor. During his speech, he continued smearing Governor Kay...

7 Things: McCain replacement open to killing Obamacare while GOP isn’t, another Alabama student on video saying the n-word, Scarborough and other ghouls catch...

7. A Republican Congressional candidate in California was almost assassinated by a liberal with a pink switchblade --- Don't expect to see this political violence...

9/11 was a national tragedy, those politicizing it for lazy political points are spitting on the graves of the dead

If you can't let 9/11 pass without taking potshots at your enemies in American politics, take the day off (I said the same about those...

7 Things: 9/11 remembrance and politicization, Rep. Mo Brooks and Trump Jr. agree on illegals stealing Congressional seats, more Strzok/Page texts show media conspiracy...

7. Former Alabama player and current State Representative Rich Wingo (R-Tuscaloosa) says sports gambling "scares" him "to death"  --- Wingo, who is clear in his opposition...

There are real costs to allowing unchecked illegal immigration in Alabama and in the United States

Last week, radio talk show hosts from around the nation converged on Washington, D.C. for the Federation for American Immigration Reform's 12th annual "Hold...

Andalusia discusses funneling taxpayer money into municipal broadband

Another Alabama city is threatening to create its own broadband network despite the folly shown by other municipalities that have lost billions in taxpayer...

7 Things: Alabama Republicans tout economic growth, dishonesty over Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing continues, Democratic candidate for Congress isn’t fond of Alabama and more …

7. "Drag Queen Story Hour" brings protests and counter-protests in Mobile --- "The Common Sense Campaign Tea Party" and "The Human Wall Against Hate" squared...

Don’t worry, Jeff Sessions — Kyle Whitmire is just suffering from the rigors of war … on dumb

Being a soldier is a tough responsibility, especially when you are fighting a war against dumb, and you think that you’re the second-smartest person...

7 Things: ‘Anonymous’ administration official rips Trump, Kavanaugh hints at protecting Roe v. Wade, Senator Shelby defends the South and more …

7. Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has now decided to sue CBS, Showtime and Sacha Baron Cohen over a joke played at his...

7 Things: Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing goes off the rails immediately, Trump team allows Bob Woodward access to ravage the administration, California Democrat continues his...

7. Most of Alabama's voter issues have been resolved by Secretary of State John Merrill --- Each and every election has a series of voter...

Reason No. 3,420,323 Democrats will lose in Alabama: Bringing in gun-grabbers

As much as the local and national media hate it, Alabama is a red state. Even though we elected Democrat Senator Doug Jones, Alabama...

7 Things: McCain’s funeral and the reaction to it embarrasses America, Congressman Aderholt says shutdown could be looming over wall funding, Trump wants an...

7. Colin Kaepernick can't get a job in the NFL, but Nike will hire him to be a spokesman because he has the right...

Trump, supporters set expectations too high for Jeff Sessions as AG

Back in 2016, the idea of someone like Jeff Sessions at the helm of the Justice Department was enough to make any Republican giddy. As...

7 Things: Europe and Canada blink on trade, Alabama TV station spreading fake news is confirmed, AG Jeff Sessions is safe and more …

7. Sorry, Alabama's federal employees, but no pay raise --- President Donald Trump is wanting to kill an across the board 2.1 percent pay raise...

Audio shows Mobile’s NBC 15 misled public about Kay Ivey — Alabama’s scumbag political class tried to weaponize it

The media is biased towards Democrats and biased against Republicans. This isn't conjecture. It is fact. The coverage of Governor Kay Ivey's response to a...