Opinion — Page 111

7 Things: Ainsworth says tolls solution is not the citizens' job, AEA vs. the kids, Alabama sheriff indicted and more …

7 Things: Alabama House speaker remains neutral on toll roads, Jones dodges a bullet, Tuberville drubbing his opponents and more …

7 Things: Ivey wants ideas for tolls, Aderholt calls on Senate candidates to love Trump, ALGOP could target Ilhan Omar and more …

7 Things: 'No tolls' chorus gains powerful allies, impeachment talks still a thing, Democrats in Alabama keep fighting and more …

7 Things: Business is booming in Alabama, media and Democrats wage war on Israel, Alabama is continuing to lead on space exploration and more …

VIDEO: Gun control, tolls are just a regional concern, racist Alabama Democrats and more on Guerrilla Politics …

7 Things: Recession fears, shooting pranks should be punished, Alabama will focus on census participation and more …

7 Things: Alabama hates tolls, Schumer doesn't understand the illegal immigrant threat, Tennessee following Alabama's lead on abortion and more …

7 Things: Trump signals new fight over immigration, Byrne wants I-10 tolls slowed, Epstein case isn't dead and more …

State Rep. Steve Hurst wants to do something about your summer vacation -- he just doesn't know what

7 Things: 'You know who' killed Epstein, Alabama Media Group says everyone is racist, Alabamians want longer summers and more …

VIDEO: Mass shootings, Jim Zeigler trying to be the anti-toll hero, Tuberville/Mooney in a war of words and more on Guerrilla Politics …

7 Things: McConnell and Trump open to expanded background checks, gun fired in drop-off line at an Alabama school, AOC hints almost everyone is a white supremacist and more …