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Guest Opinion

New challenges for Alabama’s old rules

Like many cities, Troy is trying to figure out how Airbnb rentals fit into the existing legal and regulatory environment. Technology offers new ways...

Rep. Byrne: Being able to debate about issues ‘fundamental to our country’

No one can deny that the political climate in our country today is pretty divisive. Protests and outbursts are becoming more and more common....

Rep. Martha Roby: Republicans continue to dismantle Obama-era regulatory regime

Throughout the eight long years of the Obama administration, Alabamians suffered under an overly-empowered regulatory state that burdened hardworking men and women and their...

Limited government demands more, not less, of Alabama

In Alabama, politicians and residents alike proclaim the benefits of limited government. Appropriately, our state’s motto is Audemus jura nostra defendere, which, when translated into the...

Have Alabama schools found free lunches?

Several dozen Alabama school districts are offering free lunches to all students this year. Economists have long claimed that “There’s no such thing as...

Rep. Roby: Meeting constituents ‘enables me to be a better representative of our priorities in Washington’

Each year, members of Congress take the month of August to spend time on the ground in their respective districts meeting with constituents and...

Rep. Byrne: ‘Great value’ found in traveling around district, speaking with local leaders

Each August, the House of Representatives typically enters a period of recess known as the August District Work Period. This is time set aside...

Rep. Roby: Congressional internship a valuable way to gain firsthand exposure to the innerworkings of our nation’s government

It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down and most students are already back in school. As the mother of two school-aged children,...

Rep. Bradley Byrne: Back to school priorities

Over the next few weeks, students across Southwest Alabama will head back to school. The start of a new school year always comes with...

Rep. Martha Roby: Spreading the word on constituent services

As your representative in Congress, one of my top priorities is assisting the people of Alabama’s Second District with various issues that may arise...

Putin didn’t influence my vote, Hillary did

Over and over again, we hear that Russia meddled in the 2016 election. With nothing more than wishful thinking, and a baseless theory of...

Rep. Bradley Byrne: Report from the world’s largest naval exercise

Imagine the scenario: a massive earthquake strikes an impoverished island country. It is followed up by multiple aftershocks and a tsunami. Countless lives are...

Guest Opinion: An Alabama, pro-life plea to confirm Judge Kavanaugh

Earlier this month, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be the next U.S. Supreme Court justice. Senator Doug Jones has been noncommittal about...

Rep. Martha Roby: How to meet the demands of our growing workforce

Last month’s jobs report showed that job openings are at a record high, confirming our country’s continued positive economic progress. For the first time...

Rep. Bradley Byrne: Standing up for ICE

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, commonly known as ICE, is the federal law enforcement agency tasked with enforcing our nation’s border control,...

Rep. Martha Roby: Pro-growth policies are working in AL-02 communities

Over the last year and a half, Republicans in Congress and the Trump Administration have worked tirelessly to unleash our economy and foster growth...

Yes, we DO get along!

I don’t remember the airline or where the flight was headed. But I will never forget the woman seated next to me. During the course of...

Learning from President Trump: Words matter

“I don’t see any reason why it would be”. Those words, voiced by President Trump when asked whether he believed it was true that Russia...

Rep. Byrne: Americans are better off now

Two years ago, I joined other Republican House members in unveiling our “Better Way” agenda. The agenda covered everything from national security to tax...

Del Marsh: Judge Kavanaugh’s record is clear — He deserves to be confirmed

When the name Brett Kavanaugh was first mentioned to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, like many of you, I did not know who...

Rep. Martha Roby: Pro-life movement momentum is strong

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have the privilege each year to advocate for the priorities most important to the people...

U.S. Rep. Byrne: Border security must always come first

If you have turned on your television recently, you have probably heard about the ongoing immigration debate in our country. Here in Congress, it...

U.S. Rep. Roby: House takes steps to rebuild our military

Over the last year and a half, our unified government has taken big steps to unleash our economy and foster growth here in the...

Rep. Roby: Touring Southeast Alabama farms with Ag Chairman Conaway

With Congress recently out of session for the Independence Day district work period, I took the opportunity to travel throughout Alabama’s Second District to...