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‘Spanking’ without consequences — University of Alabama sticks with leftist Anniston Star amid sexual harassment scandal

  (Opinion) Last week, The Tuscaloosa News’ Drew Taylor reported the University of Alabama would continue its community journalism program at The Anniston Star, a...

What is it about Alabama Democrats and standing in schoolhouse doors?

    Alabama Democrats have a sordid history on school attendance. We all know about then-Governor George Wallace famously standing in the doorway at the University...

Millennials, though largely to blame for their own economic plight, live better than any generation — ever

Zac Davis of America magazine addressed those who proceeded us in a recent article entitled “Please stop blaming millennials for the economy you created,”...

How city council meddlers punish poor people and small businesses

  Store owner Kamal Saleh was just hit with thousands of dollars in fines. His crime? He sold three cigars for $8.89. "Too cheap!" say New...

Do you know the frivolous programs your tax dollars fund?

      Listen to the 10-min audio Read the transcript: TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, last week, it was reported that the National Endowment for the Humanities spent nearly...

Dirty college secrets about free speech and academic rigor

  A frequent point I have made in past columns has been about the educational travesty happening on many college campuses. Some people have labeled...

Is the president mentally competent? The answer, sadly, doesn’t matter.

  During the 2016 election, mental competency was an issue, but Hillary Clinton was the target. The media scolded conservative commentators as "conspiracy theorists" for...

Kirby Smart supposedly took a picture that might put a damper on his friendship with Nick Saban

  The national championship matchup has a lot of people speculating about the publicly cordial relationship between Nick Saban and his former Tide coaching colleague...

Blaring Bannon coverage begs question: What’s happened to journalism?

      Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: BANNON TOPS HEADLINES BUT WHY? TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, I want to take a look at a story...

Protests in Iran are a fire bell in the night for the Ayatollah

  As tens of thousands marched in the streets of Tehran on Wednesday in support of the regime, the head of the Revolutionary Guard Corps assured Iranians...

A walk through history with The Anniston Star’s H. Brandt Ayers: Democrat activist, wannabe foreign correspondent, sexual deviant

  Last week, The Anniston Star announced it was severing ties with long-time editor H. Brandt Ayers after a number of sexual misconduct allegations against...

Why I now believe most Trump grass-roots supporters are patriotic Americans — not bigots, not political illiterates, not overreacting zealots

    It is disheartening to see the ongoing rift between those conservatives supporting President Donald Trump and those opposing him -- a rift that began...

The New York Times rides to Mueller’s rescue

    What caused the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in July 2016, which evolved into the criminal investigation that is...

An unfond farewell to un-statesman Orrin Hatch

    The longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history announced this week that he will finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally retire. That's seven "finallys" --...

Call to Christians: Engage in politics & evangelism out of love for neighbor

          Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: REPUBLICAN COMEBACK? TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, I remember back when it was 2008 – President Obama had just won...

The left’s delusional comparison of Trump administration to Iran’s regime is insulting and counterproductive

    President Trump is unpopular. He's unpopular because he's boorish, crude and silly; he's unpopular because he has a unique capacity to turn winning news...

Actually, Doug Jones’ snub of Richard Shelby is a pretty big blunder

    In the race for the U.S. Senate, Doug Jones cast himself as a moderate Democrat who would work across the aisle and get things...

New York City votes to fine Biblical counselors for gender dysphoria therapy

          Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: NEW YORK BANS AND FINES CONVERSION THERAPY TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, I’d like to take you to a headline...

Parents, please teach your kids respect of country, flag and president

  As a society, many parents are failing. Not only are they failing themselves, they are also failing their children. This “failing” has a lot...

10 campaign promises Donald Trump kept — or attempted to keep — in his first year

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: MEASURING TRUMP AGAINST HIS PROMISES IN FIRST YEAR TOM LAMPRECHT: Today, specifically, I’d like to take a look...

Deep State? The 7 unelected people with life-and-death control over our economy and lives

  We are a nation of 325 million people. We have a bit of control over the behavior of our 535 elected representatives in Congress,...

Mistakes and biases exist, but conservatives should root for news media’s success in 2018

(Opinion) Many national news media made many mistakes in covering President Trump and Republicans in his first year. Too many mistakes, in fact, to...

How Paul Finebaum paved the road for Doug Jones to the U.S. Senate

  Saturday morning, the Montgomery Advertiser's Brian Lyman made a tenuous argument that current U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) could be blamed for the election...

That time Nick Saban chewed me out at a press conference

Looks like I have a new and improved excuse to stand firm as the only non-Crimson Tide fan in my family: Nick Saban is my trigger. I’ve...