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Federal audit alleges Alabama owes DHS $100M+ for Medicaid mismanagement

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Federal audits of Alabama's Medicaid Agency assert the state overcharged the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHS) to the...

Alabama congressman to Speaker Paul Ryan: Bring Fair Tax to a vote

(Video above: Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) speaks in favor of the Fair Tax) Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) on Thursday urged House Speaker Paul Ryan to...

Shelby sounds alarm: Obama could cede control of Internet to ‘authoritarian countries’

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) on Thursday sounded the alarm that the Obama administration is quietly maneuvering to relinquish the United States' oversight...

Scalia’s successor on Supreme Court could decide whether Alabama’s voter ID law survives

Iconic conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's untimely death earlier this year has left the High Court split 4-4 on many contentious issues, increasing...

Under which party do financial markets perform the best? Here’s what history shows.

Subscribe to the Yellowhammer Radio Podcast on iTunes. Learn more about Jeff Roberts' private wealth advisory practice at JeffRobertsAndAssociates.com. Billionaire Hillary Clinton supporter Mark Cuban...

After Bentley’s failed lottery push, legislature taps BP Oil Spill money as short-term funding fix

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama legislature concluded a whirlwind special session on Wednesday after the House and Senate finally reached an agreement on a...

Auburn Prof: Political correctness making colleges ‘laughingstock of Western Civilization’

AUBURN, Ala. -- An Auburn University professor used his fall semester syllabus to poke fun at "trigger warnings," a growing part of the culture...

Trump’s military buildup plan includes big news for Alabama’s Navy shipbuilding operation

NEW YORK -- Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump on Wednesday released specifics on his oft-mentioned plan to buildup the U.S. military, and it...

South Alabama lawmakers fight rest of state over remaining BP Oil Spill money

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Partisanship has taken a backseat to regional politics in the Alabama State House, with south Alabama lawmakers banding together to fight...

Estimated 12M Dems voted in GOP primary, renewing calls for Alabama to close primary

A conservative activist's research estimates 12 million Democrats crossed over to vote in the 2016 Republican primary, accounting for roughly 38 percent of the...

Environmentalists return to Alabama with expensive solar power push

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- After a period of relative quiet, Alabama's energy wars could be gearing up for another round of battles, as one well-funded...

Byrne lays out GOP’s five-step plan to alleviate poverty, starting with ‘reward work’

(Video above: Rep. Bradley Byrne delivers the Weekly Republican Address) WASHINGTON -- While the 2016 presidential campaign has soaked up most of the media attention,...

Alabama’s Byrne tapped to deliver GOP address to the nation on CFB opening weekend

WASHINGTON -- United States House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday announced Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL1) will deliver the weekly Republican address to the nation...

Secretary of State: Foreign election observers are not allowed in Alabama. Period.

On November 8, 2016, the citizens of The United States will elect a new president. As the Secretary of State and the chief election...

The UN is sending foreign ‘election observers’ into Alabama. They must be stopped. (opinion)

On November 8, 2016, the citizens of America will elect a new president. As the chief election official for Pike County Alabama, our team...

Sessions wears ‘Make Mexico Great Again Also’ hat after accompanying Trump in Mexico

PHOENIX, Ariz. -- After accompanying Donald J. Trump to Mexico to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) returned stateside with...

DENIED: House panel rejects Bentley’s request to suspend impeachment proceedings

Gov. Robert Bentley's latest attempt to end his impeachment ordeal has failed. State Rep. Mike Jones (R-Andalusia), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has denied...

CABINET PREVIEW? Sessions accompanies Trump to meeting with Mexican president

NEW YORK, NY -- In what one source close to the Trump campaign referred to as a "preview of what top leadership in a...

Alabama moves to protect election systems after FBI discovers hacks in other states

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama elections officials are moving to ensure the state's voting systems are secure in the wake of revelations that the voter...

Alabama doubles down on effort to block Syrian refugee resettlement, files court appeal

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The State of Alabama is once again asking a federal court to intervene on the issue of Syrian refugee resettlement, arguing...

Zero Syrian refugees have been resettled in Alabama

MOBILE, Ala. -- A new analysis of Syrian refugee relocation in the United States reveals that no such refugees have been placed in Alabama,...

Robert Bentley is running the same administration his Democratic opponent would have

"Robert Bentley is out of ideas," Democratic gubernatorial nominee Parker Griffith proclaimed during his 2010 campaign against Gov. Robert Bentley. A cursory glance at his...

What they didn’t tell you: Alabama lawmakers were only presented with half a lottery plan

When Gov. Robert Bentley summoned lawmakers for a special session to consider the creation of a state lottery, I traveled to Montgomery with apprehension...

Here’s how each Alabama House member voted on the lottery

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — After spending roughly eleven hours debating Gov. Robert Bentley’s lottery proposal and working late into the night on Thursday, pro-lottery House...