Opinion — Page 126

VIDEO: Mailed bombs, another lame attack on Kay Ivey, Alabama/midterm election surprises and more on Guerrilla Politics…

7 Things: Trump calls for ratcheting down rhetoric after bombs, media/Trump blame each other for bombs with no evidence, Mo Brooks calls illegals a 'plague on America' and more …

They will find the person responsible for these recent attempted bombings -- Your reaction is probably already baked in

7 Things: Trump isn't the only one playing loose with the facts on the caravan, Soros was giving money to Maddox, early voting favors Republicans in key states and more …

President Trump is launching a masterful closing argument against Democrats on all their weakest points

7 Things: The caravan from Central America grows as Rep. Byrne wants to build the wall, Maddox campaign somehow gets more desperate, racist fliers are back in Alabama politics and more …

7 Things: Trump's approval rating spikes, caravan of future illegal aliens keeps coming, Maddox doesn't know what he is doing as he runs for governor and more …

VIDEO: The "October Surprise" that wasn't, George Soros dumps money into Alabama, Saudi Arabia creates an international incident and more on Guerrilla Politics…

7 Things: Illegal immigration argument in the WH, libs complain about pot enforcement costs, Maddox demands Ivey prove his smear, and more …

7 Things: A lame October Surprise, illegal immigrant caravan, Medicaid expansion misunderstood by Maddox again, and more …

7 Things: Ivey and Maddox clash on abortion, Alabama candidates load up on cash for the final stretch, "Horseface" and "Tiny", and more …

7 Things: Sanctions on Saudi Arabia could be painful for all, President Trump grants Governor Ivey's disaster request, and more …

7 Things: Trump and Kanye, Tennessee's version of Doug Jones, Saudi Arabia probably killed a journalist and more …

7 Things: Trump slams 'Medicare for All,' Ivey and Trump still very popular in Alabama, Democrats keep calling for violence and more …