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New Roy Moore ad plays his greatest hits

In a new video ad posted Sunday on social media, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore vaguely blames “Washington insiders” for his 2020 U.S. Senate campaign polling in fourth place.

In the 30-second ad, Moore says, “The same Washington insiders who don’t like President Trump are trying to stop our campaign. They just don’t like conservatives like us.”

“They call us warmongers for wanting to rebuild the military. They call us racists for securing our borders. They call us bigots for recognizing the sanctity of marriage. And they call us foolish for believing in God,” he adds.

President Donald Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. have both strongly spoken out against Moore’s Republican candidacy this cycle.

Trump, Jr., speaking to Yellowhammer News in recent weeks, reiterated the stance that all of Alabama’s competitive Republican Senate candidates besides Moore can beat incumbent Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) in November 2020.

RELATED: Trump Jr.: Alabama ‘knows better’ than to toy with the ‘craziness’ of Roy Moore again

Moore trails former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former Auburn University head football coach Tommy Tuberville and Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-01) in the polls. The former judge also lags way behind in fundraising, which could make catching up an even tougher task. Latest available numbers show Moore with $34,189 cash-on-hand, compared to Byrne with $2,529,019, Sessions with $2,480,802, Tuberville with $1,455,000 and State Rep. Arnold Mooney (R-Indian Springs) with $386,045. Secretary of State John Merrill suspended his campaign on Sunday.

Moore’s new ad also once again harps on the Democratic misinformation campaign waged against him in the 2017 general election against Jones.



It should be noted that Moore’s latest video is the exact same as an ad he released in August of 2017, except the last eight seconds have been replaced with text about the misinformation campaign (H/T to Brian Lyman for pointing this out on Twitter).

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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