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Guest Opinion

Is climate policy debatable?

President Trump is creating a Presidential Committee on Climate Security to scrutinize climate science. Princeton University physicist William Happer has been identified as a...

Roby: An April recap from the road

While Congress was out of session for the April district work period, I had the opportunity to spend time on the road, traveling throughout...

Byrne: Alabama the Beautiful

As the weather continues to warm and summer temperatures approach, I am reminded of the incredible natural beauty that lies here in Alabama. For many...

Roby: Sharing the joy of Easter

For Christians, Easter is one of the most important and sacred days of the entire year because we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant resurrection from the...

Vaccines, reason and freedom

The current measles outbreak has brought new criticism of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children over vaccine safety concerns. Measles was declared to...

CRNAs: Providing safe, affordable anesthesia care in your hometown

All citizens of Alabama want and deserve safe, efficient, cost-effective anesthesia care for themselves and their loved ones. Do you wonder who that person is...

My unplanned pregnancy, and why Alabama should pass this pro-life bill

What keeps us from sharing our stories? The ones we should tell? When it comes to the story I shared Wednesday morning with the Alabama...

Byrne: The light of Easter

For those of us who are Christians, this week is the most important and holiest of the year. We begin the week remembering Jesus’ triumphal...

Roby: Enhancing Internet safety for all ages

In today’s connected world, Internet safety is a growing concern for all age groups. From credit card fraud and identity theft to cyberstalking and...

Cam Ward: Punishing violence, recognizing the dignity of work and the possibility of redemption

Police officers, sheriffs and district attorneys do heroic work every day to lock up criminals and keep our streets and neighborhoods safe. Yet many...

Alabama beer distributors deliver vital message in Washington, D.C.

Alabama’s independent beer distributors are convening with their counterparts from every state in the nation this week at a national conference to deliver a...

Byrne: 100 days of Democrats

This week will mark 100 days Democrats have held power in the House of Representatives in Washington. I considered listing tangible Democrat achievements so far...

Why the rise in socialism?

Those of us old enough to remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet Union probably thought we had...

Roby: Alabamians still need disaster recovery assistance – Congress must deliver

The past few weeks in Washington have been even busier than usual. From votes and hearings to policy meetings and spending time with constituents...

Mike Rogers’ report from Washington: The Russian collusion delusion

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As most of you across East Alabama saw in the news recently, special counsel Robert Mueller ended his investigation. The Mueller report...

State Rep. Rich Wingo: Alabama bill to ban abortions could be the key to overturning Roe v. Wade

Think back for a moment to what our country was like in 1973. The average American income was $12,900 a year. A gallon of gas...

What is abortion, really?

A battle over abortion is raging around us and more and more states are taking their stand. Some states, like New York and Virginia, seem...

Rep. Gary Palmer: If you (don’t) like your baby

For many years, the question of when life begins was a point of contention in the abortion debate. Today, the debate is no longer...

State Sen. Whatley: Protect the property rights of innocent Alabama citizens

Imagine driving down the road on your way to buy a used car. Police stop you and find $1,500 cash in your car. The...

Byrne: Time for Democrats to remove their ‘gone fishin’ sign

There is an old expression that goes: “The worst day of fishing beats the best day of working.” As an avid fisherman myself, I can...

Roby: Working to improve veterans’ care

One of the most rewarding parts of my job as the representative for Alabama’s Second District is representing a large veteran population and advocating...

Dauphin Island has one of the world’s newest and best beach walks

Most Alabamians may not realize it, but one of the world’s newest and most unique beach walks is right here in their own state....

Roby: Congressional internships provide valuable opportunities

Each summer, I am glad to offer internship opportunities to college students from Alabama’s Second District who have completed at least their undergraduate freshman...

Three reasons why Alabama should stand up to the Freedom from Religion Foundation

An atheist group from Wisconsin has implicitly or directly threatened to sue more than 40 Alabama school systems, local governments, and elected officials during...