Analysis — Page 138

Advice for the Wiregrass: If you want an Interstate highway before the automobile is obsolete, start a full-court press immediately

7 Things: Disgraced former FBI Agent Peter Strzok finally fired, 70 percent of Americans want the Mueller probe over, Rep. Mike Rogers says the Space Force is no joke and more …

7 Things: Omarosa has tapes and no shame, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones stages a failed coup, 'Unite the Right' rally fails but the media can't get enough and more …

VIDEO: Midterm lessons from OH-12, gambling debate coming in 2019, former Gov. Robert Bentley's second act, and more on Guerrilla Politics!

7 Things: Deep State further exposed, VP Pence praises Alabama as he touts the Space Force, Maddox keeps debating himself in the gubernatorial contest, and more …

Alabama is working again: Small-business optimism soars to record high, now more qualified workers needed

7 Things: Trump team responds to Mueller, Alabama AG sees First and Second Amendment issues on 3D gun printing bans, Alabama employers may see higher taxes because of GOP tax bill, and more …

7 Things: Midterms not looking good for Republicans, former Alabama Governor Robert Bentley is back, Sen Doug Jones is polling well despite looming Kavanaugh vote, and more …

7 Things: Manafort gets rolled but not on collusion, the Alabama Accountability Act works, and more …

Author Jon Meacham's vision for the South: Less MAGA hats, more visits to Montgomery's lynching memorial

7 Things: Trump Tower meeting lies exposed, Alabama helps astronauts get back in space, Trump vs. America's most loved/hated athlete, and more …

VIDEO: Alabama polling shows Republican strength, Maddox takes anti-gun rights endorsement, Trump vs. media/Sessions/Mueller, and more on Guerrilla Politics!

7 Things: Trump polling with Hispanics surges as he hits 50 percent, Michael Cohen alleged to have deal with Alabama nuke plant owner, Alabama is good at football, and more …

7 Things: Trump says Sessions should end the probe, gun control protesters protest an empty State House, Mississippi started taking Alabama's sports gambling money today, and more …