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Byrne on Mueller testimony: ‘Should once and for all clear President Trump and his campaign’

Following former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Wednesday testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, Congressmen Bradley Byrne (AL-01), Mike Rogers (AL-03) and Robert Aderholt (AL-04) released respective statements saying it is well past time to move on from anti-Trump narratives regarding the 2016 election cycle.

Byrne emphasized, “Democrats’ last desperate attempt to change the narrative on the Mueller report and generate support for their delusional impeachment fantasy landed with a thud.”

“I’ve read the Mueller report cover to cover, and there was no collusion and no obstruction. Today’s hearings should once and for all clear President Trump and his campaign,” he said.

Additionally, Byrne once again called on Congress to pass his legislation “to investigate the investigators.”

“As the curtain closes on today’s carefully orchestrated theater production, now is the time to turn to the important questions regarding the origins and acceleration of this investigation during the Obama administration—and why more disturbing investigations into Secretary Clinton were squashed,” he concluded. “I renew my call on Congress to pass my bill to investigate the investigators and make sure this never happens again.”

Rogers slammed Democrats for playing political games instead of working to better the lives of their constituents.

“Trump Derangement Syndrome was on full display today in Washington,” Rogers decried. “The disingenuous, hypocritical Democrat majority in the House cannot and will not accept the fact that President Trump won the 2016 election fair and square.”

“At today’s hearing, their anger-fueled conspiracy theories came crashing down at the expense of Robert Mueller’s reputation,” he added. “Mueller’s performance proves that this was nothing more than a Deep State staff-driven exercise to frame President Trump. Democrats should be working on behalf of the American people instead of their radical Socialist base.”

Aderholt listed some of the issues that the House has been ignoring due to the Mueller hearings.

“The Robert Mueller hearing today was more theatrics than substance,” he remarked. “The Democrats actually held a dress rehearsal yesterday.”

“So, while our nation has many pressing issues like the crisis on the border, approving a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada and continued aggression from Iran, many of my Democrat colleagues seem to only want to rehash an issue that was settled more than 100 days ago. It’s time to move on to address the real issues facing our country,” Aderholt outlined.

Congresswoman Martha Roby (AL-02) participated in the questioning of Mueller as a member of the House Judiciary Committee. You can read her thoughts here.

RELATED: Mo Brooks: Mueller hearing a ‘circus act’ that diverts attention from America’s major threats

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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