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Alabama lottery would be a government betrayal of the poor (opinion)

A lot has changed since 1890 when President Benjamin Harrison reminded citizens that lotteries “debauched and defrauded” the public. Today, however, state governments have...

Medicare ‘doc fix’ splits Alabama congressional delegation

WASHINGTON -- A Medicare "doc fix" bill passed by the U.S. House Thursday drew wide bipartisan support, but failed to receive the votes of...

Class warfare dominant theme in Obama’s Birmingham speech deriding short-term loans

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- President Barack Obama spoke to a raucous crowd in the Lawson State Community College gym in Birmingham on Thursday, drawing deafening...

AEA’s PAC brought in the most money in 2014, and it wasn’t even close

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Democratic Party may be all but defunct in the state of Alabama, but Democrats in the state legislature -- and...

Team Bentley launches tax-exempt group to push tax increase proposal, healthcare reforms

MONTGOMERY -- Two former Bentley Administration staffers have launched a new tax-exempt group with the goal of helping the governor win public support for...

Alabama Republicans back House budget slashing $5.5 trillion in spending

WASHINGTON -- With the support of Alabama's six Republican congressmen, the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a $3.8 trillion budget for fiscal...

(POLL) Should Alabamians have the option to recall elected leaders?

Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have the ability to recall and replace elected leaders before the conclusion of their terms. Alabama is...

Brooks: Cruz could be as great as Reagan

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- In an interview with Yellowhammer Radio's Cliff Sims Wednesday afternoon, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL5) compared Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who officially...

Williams: I was elected to slay Alabama’s fiscal giants, not raise taxes

The State of Alabama is facing a fiscal challenge right now unlike any that we have had in contemporary memory. Regardless of how big...

FEMA could withhold disaster funds from Alabama for ‘denying climate change’

WASHINGTON -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released a new set of guidelines which would require governors to "address climate change" in...

SCOTUS just made a major ruling on Alabama’s legislative districts, here’s what it means

WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court of the United States, in a 5-4 decision Wednesday morning, sent the Alabama legislative district map back down to...

Heritage Economist: Bentley should abolish state income tax, not push tax hikes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBE5CeoecTM&feature=youtu.be (Video Above: Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore discusses Gov. Bentley tax hike proposal) BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- In video for the Alabama Policy Institute (API),...

Alabama’s 6 GOP House members unanimously sign new Iran letter opposing ‘pathway to a bomb’

WASHINGTON -- Alabama's six Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed a bipartisan letter along with 361 other members of Congress...

Report: Alabama’s Sewell could succeed Pelosi as top House Democrat when she retires

WASHINGTON -- Analysis by Politico this week names Alabama's sole Congressional Democrat Terri Sewell (AL7) as one of the prospective replacements for House Minority...

Bentley: We will pass a tax hike, even if it takes 10 special legislative sessions

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Governor Robert Bentley told a group of business and community leaders Monday during a speech in Birmingham's Harbert Center that he...

Two Alabama agencies have taken it upon themselves to slash government spending

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- The Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC), the body tasked with regulating the state's utilities, and State Auditor Jim Zeigler are taking...

Top Democrat: GOP won’t back Bentley tax hikes because they’re Democratic proposals

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama House Minority Leader Craig Ford (D-Gadsden) said Sunday that Republican legislative leaders are rejecting Gov. Robert Bentley's tax hike package...

Byrne: Defense cuts are hurting our national security

Across the world today, the United States faces a wide range of serious threats, ranging from Russia to Iran to China to the Islamic...

Obama coming back to Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- According to reports, President Obama will be visiting the Magic City March 26th. He is rumored to be making a speech...

Bombshell: Benghazi committee asking for Clinton’s entire email server

WASHINGTON -- The Select Committee to investigate the Benghazi terror attacks, of which Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-AL2) is a member, sent a letter to...

Alabamian who lost his job to low-cost foreign workers makes impassioned plea to U.S. Senate

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb2Iviec4o8 (Video above: Former Infosys employee Jay Palmer testifies against the H-1B visa program) WASHINGTON -- Jay Palmer, a Montgomery resident, testified before the Senate Judiciary...

(Audio) Sims: AL Dems proved they care more about the teachers’ union than educating children

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmyFfQx1BcI&feature=youtu.be (Above: Cliff Sims slams Democrat opposition to charter schools) BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- In a passionate rant on Yellowhammer Radio Thursday, host Cliff Sims slammed Alabama...

Alabama joins 13 other states in opposing ‘overreaching, unlawful’ EPA regs

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange announced Wednesday that Alabama has joined with 13 other states in opposing the Environmental Protection Agency's...

Alabama Senate passes bill to increase transparency on how tax dollars are spent

MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Wednesday the Alabama Senate unanimously passed legislation sponsored by Sen. Bill Hightower (R-Mobile) that would require the legislative fiscal office (LFO)...