Opinion — Page 83

Terri Sewell was never running for Senate -- Here's who the Democrats should feed into the woodchipper

7 Things: Biden says executive orders are coming on guns, Trump could endorse in Alabama Senate race, more Pre-K in Alabama and more …

7 Things: Mo Brooks running for Senate, Ivey wants you to stay masked up, 3 feet of distancing the new rule in Alabama schools and more …

7 Things: Vaccine eligibility expands, mask mandate upheld 3 weeks before it ends, SPLC reaches to find 'voter intimidation' in Alabama and more …

7 Things: Alabama passes another historically large budget, hot-button bills advance, Alabama vs. Biden and more …

7 Things: Severe weather hits Alabama, lottery bill lives, lack of racial motive in Atlanta shootings doesn't deter the media and more …

7 Things: Alabama prepares for severe weather, just 9 more months to stop the spread, anti-riot bill moves on with controversy and more …

7 Things: Unemployment at the lowest rate since pandemic started, cases and hospitalizations plummet, Brooks calls out Biden administration on reckless immigration and COVID-19 policy and more …

7 Things: Vaccine eligibility expanding, Birmingham could keep mask mandate, stimulus money hitting bank accounts and more …

VIDEO: Comprehensive gambling bill goes down, a simple lottery bill may have a chance, another coronavirus stimulus passes and more on Alabama Politics This Week …

Mo Brooks continues to be smeared by Democrats in Congress (without evidence), may list their actions as in-kind contributions to future campaign

7 Things: Biden addresses the nation on the coronavirus, all veterans now eligible for vaccine, Brooks targeted by another Democrat from Congress and more …

7 Things: Stimulus bill passes, Marshall and Aderholt sue over the Census count, bill aims to eliminate difference between essential and non-essential businesses and more …

7 Things: Comprehensive gambling bill dies, Alabama National Guard to help with vaccinations, General Fund budget passes House as Alabama's recovery is going better than most and more …

7 Things: CDC says you can gather without a mask if vaccinated, lottery bill might be delayed again, Alabama's retail sales steady amid pandemic and more …

7 Things: Alabama senators say 'no' to coronavirus stimulus, U.S. Senate candidates make moves, Decatur city councilman under fire for old Facebook post and more …