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7 Things: Mueller’s first sentencing, Battle hits Ivey over debates, Nick Saban is worth every penny, and more …

1. Special Counsel Robert Mueller gets his first sentence in the Russia probe, it's 30 days for lying to investigators --- An attorney from London, Alex van der Zwaan, was...

It may be time for Gov. Kay Ivey’s opponents to rent Parker Griffith’s giant inflatable duck

If things stay the way they are right now, there will probably not be a GOP Gubernatorial debate in 2018. In February, Gov. Kay...

Are the millions of lives lost to abortion less important than lives lost to gun violence?

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript:             MARCH FOR OUR LIVES TOUTED BY MEDIA TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, today in the news, I...

Busting discrimination and disparities myths

I don't mind saying that this column represents a grossly understated review of "Discrimination and Disparities," just published by my longtime friend and colleague...

Commercial Surrogacy: The objectification of child-bearing

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: DOMINO EFFECT OF GAY MARRIAGE IS NOW COMMERCIAL SURROGACY TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, I want to take you...

Does the Pope believe in hell?

"Pope Declares No Hell?" So ran the riveting headline on the Drudge Report of Holy Thursday. Drudge quoted this exchange, published in La Repubblica, between Pope...

It depends on what the meaning of facts is

Former President Barack Obama (I love the adjective preceding his title) made some comments at the recent Global Opinion Leaders Summit in Japan that...

Is President Trump assembling a war cabinet?

The last man standing between the U.S. and war with Iran may be a four-star general affectionately known to his Marines as "Mad Dog." Gen....

We must not sacrifice consistent morality for political pragmatism

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript:                          WORTHY IS THE (CONOR) LAMB? COLUMNIST THINKS SO TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry will recognize the Scripture, “Worthy...

How Christ’s resurrection makes politics better

“He is not here; He has risen!” These are perhaps the most consequential words ever spoken. A man who three days earlier had been violently...

Good grief! Now government has snitches in your kids’ dental office?

How sharper than a serpent's tooth to have a despotic pediatric dentist. Parents who decide, for whatever reason, that they don't like their children's oral...

If Democrats are this upset about the census’ citizenship question, they should boycott it

For some reason Democrats don't want to know how many illegal immigrants are actually in the country. It's odd, they seem to be perfectly content...

Why do Christians call Christ’s death ‘Good Friday’?

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, today, I want to trade the headline news for the Good News. Today...

We, the voters, are suckers as politicians campaign for their base, govern for the center

When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution of the United States, they feared the possibility of partisanship overtaking rights-based government. To that end, they...

Special election in North Alabama: Blue wave or spring break?

It may be a bellwether, it may mean nothing. The opinion about whether any special election means anything is generally based on where you stand...

Single parenthood may be a heroic struggle, but it’s not ideal and shouldn’t be promoted

Listen to the 10 min audio: Read the transcript: WHAT DOES CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL SINGLE PARENT DAY SAY ABOUT OUR COUNTRY? TOM LAMPRECHT:  Harry, first there...

Candace Owens: The young black conservative taking on the mainstream media’s lies

In the movie "The Matrix," swallowing a red pill reveals the truth, while downing a blue pill leaves you trapped in illusion. Today, in the...

The left can’t fool us — they want to repeal the Second Amendment

We get it! The left is pushing for stern gun reform. They tell us that they only wish to ban military-grade weaponry. They tell us,...

‘The Shape of Water’ is emblematic of a culture that rejects structure

I knew that The Shape of Water would win the Academy Award for Best Picture. It checked three of the major Hollywood boxes: celebration...

Former Supreme Court Justice lets the mask slip, admits that Democrats want to repeal the 2nd Amendment

It's fair to say that on the issue of guns, sometimes Democrats want to keep their actual opinions close to the vest. They assure...

Freedoms of speech, religion go hand in hand and are being threatened — even in Christian college classes

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: KICKED OUT OF CHRISTIANITY CLASS FOR DEFENDING CHRISTIAN IDEALS? TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, a number of pundits have...

The worst kind of ignorance is not knowing just how ignorant we are

Here's a question for you: In 1950, would it have been possible for anyone to know all of the goods and services that we...

Democrats try to nationalize an Alabama State House seat

The "blue wave is coming", or so Democrats would have you believe. Much like in 2010, Democrats view State House seats as pickup opportunities...

States are trying to criminalize the free speech of those seeking to protect unborn life

Listen to the 10 min audio Read the transcript: PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT IN THE COURTS, TESTING CONSTITUTIONALITY TOM LAMPRECHT: Harry, last week, we talked about the California...