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If everything is racist, nothing is racist

We live in a society that is obsessed with two things: 1. Talking about race. 2. Pretending we never talk about race The media and Democrats love...

7 Things: Trump targets social media for suppressing conservatives, fake news excites liberals as they smear Gov. Kay Ivey, Sen. Richard Shelby has an...

7. Florida's election will pit a Trumper vs. Berner. It could also impact a U.S. Senate race and House races  --- Republican Congressman Ron Desantis...

Fake news: Mobile NBC station fails to tell the whole story and Alabama’s liberals pounce a week later

The media, Alabama Democrats and their candidate for governor have been pushing for a debate with Governor Kay Ivey from the minute he won...

7 Things: New framework for U.S./Mexico deal, Ivey follows Trump’s lead on lowering the flag, tax cuts benefit Alabama and more …

7. There are Bushes, Clintons and Kennedys -- If some get their wish, there may be a new political dynasty in the making --- Cindy...

The media’s reversal on McCain is a transparent attack on Trump

From the announcement of Sen. John McCain's terminal illness, the media realized that his willingness to "reach across the aisle" would be a weapon...

7 Things: Alabama politicians react to Sen. John McCain’s death, Rep. Mo Brooks continues pointing out dangers of illegal immigration, Trump’s approval rating unchanged...

7. Local elections are around the corner. A particularly bruising attack is out in a Huntsville School Board race --- Local school board races rarely see the kind...

7 Things: Trump hits Sessions again, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones votes to keep funding Planned Parenthood, Maddox is hanging around with convicted felons who...

7. Absurd drag queens are reading to toddlers at a Mobile public library --- A group of drag queens will be reading to children (if any...

Alabama Republicans: Push the panic button over Trump at your peril

Friday night, the Alabama Republican Party will host its summer dinner at the Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa. Some of the discussion around the...

Talking to Ivey and Maddox about the lottery is great, but they don’t have anything to do with it actually happening

Now that Democratic candidate for governor Walt Maddox has accepted that there will be no debate in the Alabama gubernatorial race, we can move...

7 Things: President Donald Trump may be considering a pardon against GOP wishes, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks slams Democrats as Elizabeth Warren downplays illegal alien...

7. Not that this is a huge deal or anything, but President Donald Trump loses in projected match-ups with Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren...

Dale Jackson: Trump irreparably damaged by his actions, behavior of those close to him

I voted for Trump. If the 2016 election were today, I would vote for Trump again. If Trump is running in 2020 against Joe...

7 Things: Trump allies’ very bad legal day, Alabama GOP Chair slams Democrats for their dysfunction, illegal alien murders a college student and more...

7. Florida and the Department of Homeland Security call out Senator Bill Nelson for lying --- Democrats are still trying to make Russia the largest...

Alabama Democrats need to find a collective backbone and call for Chairwoman Nancy Worley to resign

In 2009, Alabama was a super-majority Democratic state with a Republican governor. Republicans took over the state legislature and every single statewide office in 2010,...

7 Things: Trump worries about a ‘perjury trap,’ Alabama Democratic chairwoman calls Sen. Doug Jones racist, Governor Kay Ivey tries to save a U.S....

7. Gov. Kay Ivey continues to strip Alabama sheriffs autonomy on inmate feeding program and the money that comes with it --- Ivey had the state...

Steve Bannon is right, Trump’s hardcore loyal base is wrong — You need ‘the establishment’ to protect the House and the president

One of the more infuriating things about President Donald Trump and his loyal base is their failure to understand how politics work. Yes, Trump won...

7 Things: Alabama’s economy keeps humming, Alabama’s Congressional incumbents look to fare well, more Trump administration drama and more …

7. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper won't admit it, but he made the case for President Donald Trump revoking CIA Director John...

Charter schools are keeping promises

On the campaign trail in 2012, Mitt Romney remarked that "charter schools are so successful that almost every politician can find something good to...

Congratulations to all of Alabama’s Congressional delegation on their re-elections

[WRITER'S NOTE: Before I get started, let me just short-circuit 90 percent of the response to what I am about to say is going...

Mobile Mayor Stimpson’s do-or-die ultimatum jeopardizes city funding for University of South Alabama stadium

Mobile’s University of South Alabama first opened its doors in 1963, but it didn’t play a varsity football game until 2009. In the span of...

7 Things: Alabama Democrats have no chance, ALGOP Chair Lathan slams former Governor Bentley, 538.com analysis bleak for Republicans and more …

7. Trump nails the media to the wall after they tout their editorials slamming him --- Hundreds of newspapers attempted to coordinate an attack on...

What is it with Alabama Democrats’ dumb obsession with debates, town halls?

So you’re a Democrat in Alabama, and you want to be elected to high office? You approached your run for office thinking that Doug...

7 Things: Trump pulls former CIA Director’s clearance, former Governor Robert Bentley wants us to believe the unbelievable, Trump supporters slammed for something that...

7. In a story that surprises no one, former White House staffer Omarosa lies about being interviewed by Robert Muller's investigators --- Omarosa already has some...

AL.com is starting to telegraph how Democrats will attempt to use recent coal corruption trial in attacks this election season

This summer, a Democratic state representative, a lawyer and a major coal company executive were convicted of federal charges including conspiracy, wire fraud and bribery. The...

The media, including some in Alabama, continue endorsing aggressive action by liberals that will lead to violence

During the rise of the Tea Party, the American media pretended the group was violent and was going to get people hurt. There are...