Opinion — Page 108

7 Things: Trump continues to lash out at impeachment inquiry, Rogers denied impeachment information, Schiff survives censure and more …

7 Things: Alabama still loves Trump, Doug Jones still defending Joe Biden, G7 won't be at a Trump property and more …

VIDEO: Byrne/Jones proxy war, Alabama Democrats, impeachment lurches along and more on Guerrilla Politics

7 Things: Democrats think they have Trump now, Doug Jones is in trouble, cease-fire in Syria and more …

7 Things: New York and D.C. liberals love Doug Jones, Brooks wants impeachment info in the open, Trump and Pelosi both look terrible and more …

7 Things: War of words between Byrne and Jones, Trump to sanction Turkey, 'impeachment' hearing takes place and more …

7 Things: 24/7 impeachment talk, Hunter Biden promises to stop profiting off his dad's service, no Medicaid expansion in Alabama and more …

VIDEO: Almost everyone wants impeachment, Sen. Doug Jones feels the pressure, Alabama Democrats' chaos continues and more on Guerrilla Politics

7 Things: Giuliani associates with ties to Ukraine arrested, Trump slams Sessions again, Zeigler/Ivey drama and more …

The University of Alabama matches a fake problem with a fake solution to placate the children on their campus

7 Things: Ukraine says there was no quid pro quo, everyone but Pelosi wants an impeachment vote, Doug Jones is now for impeachment and more …

'Quid Pro Joe', Bradley Byrne and Donald Trump agree, and so does everyone else, so let's get this impeachment hearing underway