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Guest Opinion

Rep. Byrne: Breaking down Tax Reform 2.0

Since Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act last year, the American economy is booming, and Alabama families have more money in their...

Rep. Martha Roby: Tax reform 2.0 gains momentum

Less than a year ago, Congress passed and the President signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to simplify our complicated tax...

What you need to know about Alabama proposed constitutional amendments 3 & 4

On November 6, Alabamians will vote on four proposed statewide constitutional amendments. Although the first two amendments will likely receive the most attention (API’s...

Surrogate chooses life: Alabama woman saves unborn child

In Matthew 22, we are painted a vivid picture of Jesus being cornered by the Pharisees and the Herodians. Maybe you remember He was asked...

Alabama Black Belt Adventures celebrates long, successful relationship with Raycom Media

For almost a decade, the Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association (ALBBAA) has worked to share the good news about outdoor tourism – the most profitable...

National Hunting and Fishing Day: Celebrating Alabama’s sportsmen and women

Saturday, September 22 is our nation’s 46th annual National Hunting and Fishing Day. As Co-Chair of the Alabama Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus and as a member...

Corruption, pollution and no pollution

Senator Doug Jones and Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin have called on the EPA to reconsider placing the 35th Avenue Superfund Site on the National Priorities...

Should Alabama bet on sports betting?

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last May that states could legalize sports betting. New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia and Mississippi have joined Nevada in...

Rep Byrne: Setting our funding priorities

I know this may be hard for you to believe, but there was a major, bipartisan victory in Congress last week that failed to...

Happy Constitution Day

Today is Constitution Day. On this day in 1787, our Founding Fathers gathered in Philadelphia to sign the Constitution. They had been meeting together throughout the hot...

Report from Washington: What’s happening across East Alabama

Every August, Congress takes a District Work Period so members have extra time to spend across their congressional district. Although I live in Weaver full-time...

Alabama must vote yes on Proposed Statewide Amendment Two

According to Pew Research, the only state that is more pro-life than Alabama is Mississippi. Our status as one of the leading states in the pro-life...

Paying for checked bags

United and Jet Blue recently increased their checked bag fee to $30. Nobody likes paying for things we didn’t pay for in the past,...

Rep. Roby: We’re one step closer to regular order

We’re about halfway through the month of September, which means the September 30 expiration date for our current government funding is quickly approaching. I am pleased...

The man (men & women) in the arena

On November 6th at midnight my public service in the Alabama state Senate will come to an end. It has been a great honor to...

Rep. Byrne: Look at the facts about the booming American economy

When you turn on the TV or log onto your computer these days, you are bombarded with negative news stories about the latest s0-called...

John Merrill: ‘The people of Alabama need an Ethics Commission that will enforce the laws’

I am disappointed to find myself, once again, in a position to ask what purpose the Alabama Ethics Commission serves to the people of...

Understanding constitutional Amendment One: The Ten Commandments and religious freedom

For years, discussion over the public display of the Ten Commandments has animated Alabama’s political landscape. The issue is so energizing, it seems, that many...

Martha Roby: Finalizing the Farm Bill

The farm bill is a critically important piece of legislation that sets agriculture policy in our country for about five years at a time,...

Losing Jak: Valuable lessons learned in child loss

On the day my son Jak was born, he cheated death. I had been diagnosed with placenta previa and a C-section was deemed necessary for...

Economics and Aaron Rodgers’ new contract

The Green Bay Packers’ Aaron Rodgers just signed a contract extension making him the NFL’s highest-paid player. Can economics make sense of athletes’ enormous...

Rep. Byrne: ‘I refuse’ to allow the midterm elections to stop Congress from addressing the priorities of Americans

The House returns to session this week after the month-long August District Work Period, and there are many important legislative items that need our...

Rep. Martha Roby: Hearing from constituents ‘enables me to better represent your views’

Over the last month during the August district work period, I have had the opportunity to travel throughout Alabama’s Second District to meet with...

Prepare to vote on constitutional amendments, Alabama

The drought, as they say, is over. Football season is back in Alabama. To no one’s surprise, the Alabama Crimson Tide was ranked number one...