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True or False: The Port of Mobile will receive 50% of Alabama’s increased gas tax?

True or False: Alabama’s new gas tax puts the state among the highest taxed in the nation?

True or False: Alabama’s new gas tax indexing provision will automatically add 1 cent each year?

True or False: ALDOT and local governments can use Rebuild Alabama tax to hire employees, increase salaries?

True or False: Tax dollars from Rebuild Alabama can be used to build prisons, expand state government?

True or False: Rebuild Alabama tax creates registration fees for regular, non-electric vehicles?

True or False: The Port of Mobile will receive 50% of Alabama’s increased gas tax?

True or False: Alabama’s new gas tax indexing provision will automatically add 1 cent each year?

True or False: Alabama’s new gas tax puts the state among the highest taxed in the nation?

Leaders deliver results for a stronger Alabama

Leaders deliver results for a stronger Alabama

Leaders deliver results for a stronger Alabama

Leaders deliver results for a stronger Alabama

All roads lead to Alabama jobs

All roads lead to Alabama jobs

All roads lead to Alabama jobs

When is the time to fix Alabama’s congested roads, bad bridges?

When is the time to fix Alabama’s congested roads, bad bridges?

When is the time to fix Alabama’s congested roads, bad bridges?
