A man jumped out of his car in below-freezing weather yesterday to give his coat to a man who appeared to be homeless near The Summit shopping center in Birmingham.
“Witnessed this man giving a homeless man the shirt off of his back, literally,” wrote Briana Rose DiGiorgio on her Facebook feed.
“Y’all, it is freezing cold in Alabama,” she added. “This poor man was standing at a red light desperately trying to stay warm. If you listen closely, you’ll hear the guy proceeding to tell him that he was going to get him something to eat and that he’d be right back. I was in tears. This is the kind of people we need more of in this world. This is absolutely beautiful.”
Watch below:
Witnessed this man giving a homeless man the shirt off of his back, literally. Y’all, it is freezing cold in Alabama. This poor man was standing at a red light desperately trying to stay warm. If you listen closely, you’ll hear the guy proceeding to tell him that he was going to get him something to eat and that he’d be right back. I was in tears. This is the kind of people we need more of in this world. This is absolutely beautiful… #PleaseShare
Posted by Briana Rose DiGiorgio on Saturday, January 13, 2018
Update: Several commenters on social media have said the Good Samaritan in the video is Dr. Rees Oliver, is a neonatologist in Birmingham.
Matthew 25:36-40
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