Republican Lt. Gubernatorial candidate Will Ainsworth, a State Representative from Guntersville, announced today that his campaign has raised $405,110 to date. Perhaps the bigger story in Ainsworth’s announcement is that all of his funds are from individual donors. Ainsworth announced that he has not accepted any contributions “from lobbyists or political action committees during the reporting period and did not make or receive any loans to his campaign fund.”
Expounding on the source of his donations, Ainsworth said:
Much like Donald Trump’s campaign, ours is a grassroots movement, and I deeply appreciate the early enthusiasm from our donors and supporters. We expect our support to continue growing throughout the campaign as Alabamians hear our plan to provide them with low taxes, strong ethics, more jobs, and better schools.
Ainsworth points out that as a state legislator he has supported causes that include abolishing Common Core mandates, implementing strong pro-life measures, and opposing “more than $1 billion in state tax increase proposals.”
He was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in 2014 and represents District 27, which includes portions of Marshall, DeKalb, and Blount counties. As a member of the House Ethics Committee, he signed Articles of Impeachment against former Gov. Robert Bentley and introduced strict term limits legislation. Rep. Ainsworth also sponsored a recall measure to allow voters to remove public officials who abuse their office.
Related: Alabama Rep. Will Ainsworth Announces Candidacy for Lt. Governor