INDIAN SPRINGS, AL – Dr. Chad Mathis, an orthopedic surgeon from Indian Springs, on Tuesday formally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in Alabama’s 6th Congressional District.
“I’m running because I love God, my family, Alabama, and the Constitution,” Mathis said in a statement. “When I look at my children, Abby and Ben, I want to be able to tell them I did everything I could to stop out of control government spending and ObamaCare. I’m not a career politician, I just believe we need a strong Constitutional conservative voice In Washington, D.C. — and I plan to deliver just that.”
Dr. Mathis has been practicing medicine for a decade and helped start the Alabama Bone and Joint Clinic in Pelham. He is also the founding chairman of the Alabama Coalition for Charter Schools.
Mathis says the Wall St. bailouts of 2008 and the passage of ObamaCare the following year inspired him to become more active politically.
“I’ve read every word of ObamaCare, and I know it will ruin America’s healthcare system, kill jobs, and drive up costs for Alabamians,” he said. “We’ve had ObamaCare in place for a week now, and it’s already on life support. The citizens of the 6th Congressional district deserve better than broken government websites and empty healthcare promises.”
Dr. Mathis’ candidacy received an early boost on the first official day of his campaign when he received the endorsement of FreedomWorks PAC, a conservative grassroots organization based in Washington, D.C.
“If we are going to change the status quo in Washington we need start by sending people to Congress who understand how big the mess is and who have the backbone to fix it,” said FreedomWorks PAC president Matt Kibbe. “We need to elect citizens who have more experience in the private sector than the government sector, and Dr. Mathis is that kind of citizen.”
Mathis is the first candidate to officially announce his campaign, but the race is likely to get crowded over the next several months as other candidates begin to surface.
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