Earlier this week in an appearance on MSNBC, comedienne Rosie O’Donnell made a startling call for the military to be sent to the White House and “get” President Donald Trump.
In addition to her call for the military to supersede the civilian-controlled executive branch, O’Donnell also referred to Trump as “evil” and “dark,” and said she fell “physically sick” on election night in 2016. She added that it took her an entire year to overcome that sickness.
Despite those unfortunate circumstances plaguing O’Donnell beginning nearly two years ago, she has been active financially in politics, including in Alabama.
Aside from initially exceeding campaign finance limits with donations to then-Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones, which were revealed earlier this year, O’Donnell made an additional foray into the Yellowhammer state with a donation to Alabama’s third congressional district Democratic nominee Mallory Hagan.
A donation of $1,000 was received by the Hagan campaign from O’Donnell on August 27 according to a Federal Election Commission filing.

It’s not clear what Hagan’s position is on O’Donnell’s call for a military coup d’état against the sitting president, but she has been an outspoken critic of Trump in the past.
Yes we will "Remember Alabama" as the turning point of something special and bold for this state @realDonaldTrump. Doug Jones' Senate victory was only the beginning of what's to come in 2018, not only in this state, but nationwide. https://t.co/0dGU69eIGi
— Mallory Hagan (@hagan4house) May 7, 2018
@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and is the editor of Breitbart TV.