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Katie Britt to HHS Secretary: Biden has ‘no red line when it comes to taking the life of an unborn child’

U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) slammed the Biden Administration Tuesday for openly trying to work against Hyde Amendment and use taxpayer funds for abortions.

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra recently testified in front of the U.S. Senate about funding requests for healthcare. Britt questioned Becerra about the administration’s pro-abortion stances.

“[Y]our answer kept being ‘Roe v. Wade’ and ‘Roe v. Wade,’ and ‘I want that to be the law of the land.’ So, let’s just stipulate that your hypothetical is the truth,” Britt said. “If Roe v. Wade were the law of the land and a woman wanted to take the life of her child the day before her child was due, or the day after her child was due, then you support her ability to choose to do that. Is that correct?”

After Becerra didn’t answer the question directly, Britt pressed even further.

“No. I’ve stipulated: Roe v Wade is part is law of the land,” she said. “So, there’s seven states in this country and the District of Columbia that allow you to take the life of a child the moment before a child is born. So clearly you support a woman’s right to choose to do that.”

RELATED: Britt, Tuberville join ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act’

Becerra then responded that Britt’s example was “fiction,” which cause the senator to push back.

“If it actually is fiction, then why not say no? That, that’s out of the realm of possibility, that no woman would think to be able to do that,” Britt said. “Because the truth is, if you say that taxpayer dollars should go to fund abortions, then you’re saying that my taxpayer dollars should go to fund something like that. And if that’s unthinkable, then why don’t you just say it’s unthinkable?

“And in fact, then we can just take it off the table and not allow that to be legal,” she added. “Because the truth is, when you do that…I’m going to read this to you. ‘In particular, when these abortions occur, the gruesome surgical techniques involve crushing, dismembering, and removal of the fetal body.’

“So they actually deliver the baby breach and then have to put scissors up the baby’s neck, open it up, and then suck out the brain, so that they’re able to get the head through the birth canal. Then there’s also the opportunity to go in and actually put a needle in that child’s heart and kill that child if that child is then delivered alive. Do you believe that that child on that table, that we should be able to save that child? Or do you believe that our taxpayer dollars give this woman the right to say, don’t save my child?”

The senator then emphasized the she will always work to preserve the Hyde Amendment.

“I just think when we’re talking about this and you’re saying so boldly ‘no – taxpayer dollars go (to fund abortions)’, and you actually won’t answer the question when it comes to Roe v Wade, and I’m saying, I’ll stipulate that your hypothetical is the case,” she said. “There are still seven states in this country and the District of Columbia that allow us to do that. We’re one of like seven nations that allow that to take place on our soil. Two of the other nations are North Korea and China. And I just believe when we’re talking about budgets, I want you to know where I’m coming from and why I believe wholeheartedly, with every ounce of me, that we have to preserve the Hyde Amendment.”

Yaffee is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts “The Yaffee Program” weekdays 9-11 a.m. on WVNN. You can follow him on Twitter @Yaffee

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