TV personality Mike Rowe is no stranger to getting his hands dirty while promoting skilled trade jobs across the nation. While he’s known for his pride in the American worker, a trip to a local manufacturing plant led him to honor the Alabamians who work there.
Rowe recently spent some time with employees of the company Moog Parts, a Boaz company that produces automobile ball joints, while he was filming a video series called “Go the Extra Mile.”
Rowe said he was touched by the dedication of the workers he met while visiting the Northeast Alabama Town.
“The people I met at Moog are deeply proud of what they do,” Rowe said on a Facebook post. “They’re proud of their company, they’re proud of their work, and they’re proud to make the best ball joints on planet earth.”
Inspired by the workers at Moog, Rowe produced a tribute video that has been so far reached over 1.3 million views.
“Always happy to have you and have you experience how we go the #MOOGExtraMile each day! Thank you for sharing this video with us,” Moog Parts said in response. “We know our employees will be excited to see it!”
Check out his post, and take a moment to watch the video. You’ll be glad you did.
Not long ago, I met some people in Boaz, Alabama that I think you should know. They work for a company called Moog. Moog makes ball joints for your car. A ball joint is not something you see, nor is it something most people think about. But without them, you can’t steer. Ergo, without ball joints, you’d be in the ditch. Fast.
Anyway, the people I met at Moog are deeply proud of what they do. They’re proud of their company, they’re proud of their work, and they’re proud to make the best ball joints on planet earth. The purpose of my trip was to interview some of those people, and if you’d like, you can see those interviews here. http://bit.ly/1VROqnI.
However, while I was there, I asked Taylor, my cameraman, to wander around and film the factory workers doing what they do. I liked the footage. It struck me as real and genuine. So I put some music behind it, wrote some copy, and made a quick thank-you video to the people who allow me to steer my car. Because it occurred to me – whether it’s beach balls or ball joints – it’s our ability to make things in this country, that will truly keep us all out of the ditch.