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Doug Jones’ son says senator struggling to eat, sleep during impeachment trial

Carson Jones, the son of U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL), in recent days wrote that the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is a heavy “burden to bear” for his father.

In a blog post entitled, “Doug Jones was elected for this moment in history,” the senator’s son wrote about how proud he is that Sen. Jones is “representing our state at arguably one of this country’s most important moments in her history.”

“The weight of history and this case is not an easy burden to bear,” Carson wrote. “To be honest, my father isn’t eating well. He isn’t sleeping well. And for the 24 hours he has been able to return home in the midst of this impeachment hearing, I can tell his mind can’t turn ‘off.'”

Sen. Jones recently shared the blog post from his personal Twitter account.

The Senate is set to vote on the two articles of impeachment against the president on Wednesday evening. Closing arguments were scheduled for Monday.

You can read about Sen. Jones’ latest public thoughts on the trial from Friday here.

He has voted with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) 100% of the time throughout the trial thus far.

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Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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