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Bentley Signs Gun Bill into Law

Governor Robert Bentley today signed the Omnibus Gun Bill into law, giving Alabama what proponents of the bill call "the strongest Second Amendment protections...

Cap-and-Trade by Other Means

The Alabama Public Service Commission recently held a public hearing concerning Alabama Power Company rates. But the hearing was really about an effort...

Leftwing Washington Post Writer finds Sessions-Bashing Friend in AL.com

Dana Milbank likens Jeff Sessions to former Alabama Gov. George Wallace for his outspoken stances on immigration policy Over the last 30 years, Jeff Sessions...

Apple CEO (& Auburn Grad) Tim Cook Bashes U.S. Tax System

Apple Inc. (AAPL) topped Fortune Magazine's 2013 list of the world's most admired companies. The California tech giant maintains a rabid following while raking...

EXCLUSIVE: Shelby Discusses His Economic Development Vision for Alabama

"We've got the world's attention," Senator Richard Shelby told me as we launched into a discussion about his latest meetings with top business leaders...

Legislature Rejects Bentley Amendment, Pushes Forward With Accountability Act

Republican's landmark school choice bill, the Alabama Accountability Act, will go into effect immediately, in spite of efforts by the Governor to delay it...

Gun Bill Passes Legislature, Goes to Governor

The Alabama House of Representatives Monday morning passed the much-debated Omnibus Gun Bill, which proponents say will give Alabama the strongest Second Amendment protections...

IRS Protest to Take Place Tuesday in Birmingham

A Birmingham area Tea Party group is planning an IRS protest to take place Tuesday at noon outside of a Birmingham Internal Revenue Service...

What to watch for on the final day of the 2013 session

Monday is the final day of the 2013 legislative session. Both budgets have already passed, which would normally indicate there could be a lot...

Rubio Out-raising Paul 2 to 1

Senators Marco Rubio and Rand Paul are two of the current frontrunners for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, and both showed off their...

Shelby Sees Similarities Between Obama & Nixon Administrations

Senator Richard Shelby said today in an interview with Now This News that he sees a lot of similarities between the Obama Administration and...

Alabama Should Push Forward with School Choice

Governor Robert Bentley on Wednesday signed an executive amendment that would delay portions of the Accountability Act, the session's biggest victory for Republicans, from...

Scandals Engulf D.C.

It's mass chaos in Washington, D.C. right now. Literally one third of congressional committees are currently tied up in investigating the Obama administration. None of...

Rumors & Rumblings

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the...

Luther Strange weighs actions over IRS-tea party scandal

Late Tuesday afternoon, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange put out a release requesting any 501(c)(4) organizations in the state that were targeted by the...

Campaign finance reform to get a shot on last day of session

The most anticipated issues on the final day of the 2013 legislative session will include the long-debated omnibus gun bill, drug testing for welfare...

Media bias laid bare

The mainstream media has been going through a rough stretch lately. From the IRS, to Gosnell, to Benghazi, their resolve to downplay any story...

Roby Makes Her Move

“We want to get Washington out of the way of how you use your time,” Rep. Martha Roby said as she delivered this week’s...

IRS Admits to Targeting Conservative Groups

Remember all of those "Tea Party Crazies," as Senator Roger Bedford calls them, who were deemed conspiracy theorists for expressing concerns that the IRS...

Barry Mask: From Aubie, to Legislator, to CEO

Yellowhammer speculated in this week's Rumors & Rumblings that Rep. Barry Mask would be leaving the legislature to take a job at the Alabama...

Teachers Union Leader Removed from TRS Board

A bad session got even worse for teachers' union leader Henry Mabry Thursday evening as he was removed from the Teachers Retirement System board. Republicans...

Bonner defends Alabama-built Littoral Combat Ship in appropriations hearing

WASHINGTON – Rep. Jo Bonner took on critics of the U.S. Navy’s prototypes of the Littoral Combat Ship in a House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee...

Recap from the Alabama Power PSC Hearings

Yesterday's rate review hearing on Alabama Power at the Alabama Public Service Commission attracted an all-star cast of characters including wacko environmental groups, conservative...

Undercover inside a late-term abortion clinic

In the shocking video above, late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart is caught on camera discussing with a woman in her 26th week of pregnancy the...