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Cliff Sims recounts his service on Trump’s ‘Team of Vipers’ in new book

Any book containing the words “viper,” “Trump” and “White House” in the title is bound to be a must-read. And that’s exactly what Yellowhammer...

Yellowhammer News founder Cliff Sims authors book on his service in the Trump White House

Yellowhammer News founder Cliff Sims has authored a book chronicaling his time in the Trump White House, according to a report from Politico. The Politico...

Huntsville restaurant wants Sessions back

The Garden Room Restaurant in Huntsville wants former United States Attorney General and Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to return to the Yellowhammer State. As seen...

Roby: ‘Unified front’ needed in wake of GOP House majority loss

For the first time in nearly a decade, Democrats once again have control of the U.S. House of Representatives, but Rep. Marth Roby (R-AL)...

Who will run? Previewing Alabama’s 2020 U.S. Senate Election

Yellowhammer News previewed the 2020 U.S. Senate race three months ago, but things are really taking shape now that Alabama's midterm election has passed. However,...

Justice Tom Parker releases TV ad targeting his opponent, migrant caravan, Soros

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker released a TV advertisement on Monday in a final attempt to appeal to Alabama voters as he vies...

Doug Jones had nothing to do with bringing the Toyota-Mazda plant to Alabama

The cowardly caretaker junior senator from the great state of Alabama in an ill-fitting suit is at it again. Doug Jones is dishonestly taking...

Maddox targets Ivey as Alabama unemployment and economy continue improving, says Ivey ‘satisfied’ with state being near the bottom

On Tuesday, Alabama Democratic gubernatorial candidate Walt Maddox insinuated that Alabama was “near the bottom” under the leadership of Republican Gov. Kay Ivey. “This is...

Who’s running? Previewing Alabama’s 2020 U.S. Senate Election

Alabama has been stuck in what seems like one endless election cycle since 2015. And it’s not going to end anytime soon. As signaled by...

Pro-Brett Kavanaugh bus spotted in Alabama

In the battle to confirm President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Yellowhammer State is taking center stage as a potential swing state. Saturday,...

Alabama leads the nation in political corruption, new study shows

  Alabama tops the country in public corruption, according to a new study examining perceptions of wrongdoing across the country. The report by Illinois State University’s...

House passes bill to bring ‘much-needed certainty’ to Poarch Band of Creek Indians

  Alabama Rep. Bradley Byrne, R-Fairhope, successfully shepherded a bill through the House of Representatives last week that resolves any potential legal confusion about the...

Alabama Rep. Bradley Byrne to hold 100th town hall meeting tour next week

    Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Fairhope, will hold a full slate of town hall meetings across Southwest Alabama next week as part of a tour celebrating...

Alabama State Legislature Update: Committee action delayed on taxation vote

  Editor’s note: This is a round-up of the day’s major events in Montgomery. Sometimes, what does not happen in the Legislature is more important than...

Alabama Rep. Bradley Byrne: ‘I’m committed to fighting for rural America’

  Approximately 46 million people call rural America home, according to information from the Department of Agriculture. These rural communities make up the backbone of...

Alabama State Legislature Update: Racial profiling and requiring Medicaid recipients to work

  On a day when lawmakers kept weary watch over deteriorating weather conditions in much of Alabama, the Legislature passed its first bills of the...

Alabama bill would increase penalties on pet owners for dog attacks

  Dog owners would face stiffer penalties for attacks by their pets under legislation supported by a top Alabama House Republican. Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainesville)...

Alabama GOP Rep. Byrne: Trump ‘sh*thole’ remarks a distraction

    On Friday, Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) fielded questions from reporters shortly before a town hall meeting at the city hall in Robertsdale. One of...

Condi Rice tells CNN #MeToo movement threatens to turn women into ‘snowflakes’

  The #MeToo movement threatens to turn women into “snowflakes,” former Secretary of State and Alabama native Condoleezza Rice told CNN in an interview that...

Today in the Alabama State Legislature: Proposed tax cuts and term limits

  Editor’s note: This is a round-up of the day’s major events in Montgomery. Alabama Senate leaders on Thursday talked up a modest tax cut plan,...

Governor, lawmakers to unveil bipartisan bid to create uniform rules for Uber, Lyft in Alabama

    Gov. Kay Ivey and a pair of legislators today will unveil plans for statewide regulation of ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft, which currently...

As officials announce Toyota plant, Alabama gets ‘making progress’ grade on economic incentives

  Alabama has made strides in assessing whether the state is getting the biggest bang for its buck with economic incentives designed to lure large...

Rep. Bradley Byrne: Things to look for in 2018

    Last week, we recapped major highlights from the past year, so this week I want to look ahead at some of the important things...

Here’s how young black conservative women are changing the face of the GOP

  It’s pretty easy to name a couple of black women working in progressive circles and organizations, but it’s a lot harder to name the...