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Not the final Talley

  For young Alabama lawyer Brett Talley, his withdrawal from consideration for a federal judgeship should not be the last word on his promising career. With...

Ridiculous: Liberal group names Alabama Secretary of State Merrill to ‘Voter Suppression Hall of Shame’

  A liberal group founded by former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander has named Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill to its “Voter Suppression...

The power of Alabama talk radio: Roy Moore’s shortcomings are a warning for future GOP candidates

  Local talk radio is a strong force in Alabama. The Senate Leadership Fund—a Mitch McConnell-backed super PAC—learned this lesson during the GOP primary process when...

WATCH: Congressman Mo Brooks gives speech on House floor announcing he has prostate cancer

  Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, delivered an emotional speech on the floor of the House of Representatives today announcing he has prostate cancer. Watch the video...

The six biggest takeaways from Doug Jones’ dramatic victory over Roy Moore

    Tuesday’s special election victory by Democrat Doug Jones was dramatic — no doubt about it. Barring a successful recount, he will become the first Democrat...

Alabama Senate Race Live Blog – It’s Senator Doug Jones, says the AP

  9:35 -- Oh well.  Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda.  It's time to re-group, to heal, to learn ... and to fight back. 9:25 -- AP calls it for Jones.  Too soon? 9:24...

How this conservative Alabamian voted this morning

    I didn’t vote for Roy Moore because I believe at least some of those allegations are credible. I didn’t vote for Doug Jones, either, because...

Weather isn’t expected to impact today’s election in Alabama

  It’s a beautiful way to end an ugly election: The weather isn’t expected to impact voter turn out at all. It may be a little...

The Neocons wanted a nutball in NATO

  Even interventionists are regretting some of the wars into which they helped plunge the United States in this century. Among those wars are Afghanistan and...

CNN gets clobbered by conservative Alabama talk radio host

  CNN’s media analyst was taken to the woodshed Sunday by a conservative radio host in North Alabama who said our state doesn’t trust the...

GOP defections from big Republican counties pose biggest threat to Roy Moore

    Democrat Doug Jones has a path to victory against Republican Roy Moore on Tuesday in Alabama’s special election for the Senate — the same...

Roy Moore leads Doug Jones by an average of three points heading into Tuesday’s election

  An average of six of the most recent polls indicates that Roy Moore has a slim lead over Doug Jones in the race to...

J. Pepper Bryars: Washington Post asks ‘What’s the matter with Alabama,’ and Roy Moore’s new ad answers

A conservative writer for the Washington Post asked this week what many in our movement nationally have been pondering while watching Alabama creep ever...

Chris Matthews: Alabama’s ‘crazy … mythical’ beliefs about Israel caused Trump to move embassy to Jerusalem

  Chris Matthews appeared on MSNBC this week and made the absurd statement that Alabama’s “crazy” and “mythical” beliefs about Israel are what caused President...

Jeremy Beaman: Alabama’s middle-class will benefit from Republicans’ tax proposal

Claims that the Republican tax reform efforts would maim middle-class taxpayers are false. Without a doubt, many people, particularly graduate students and those with exceptionally...

Caption This: Alabama church’s billboard compares Roy Moore to Jesus Christ

    A billboard in front of Living Way Ministries in Opelika is making news for its rather odd comparison. “They falsely accused Jesus,” the sign read....

How Roy Moore looms over today’s Supreme Court arguments over Christian baker

    Roy Moore is not in the Supreme Court chambers today as the justices weigh whether a Colorado baker had the right to say “no”...

Alabama congresswomen co-sponsor bill to mandate sexual harassment training after reports show politicians used tax dollars to settle claims against them

    Alabama’s U.S. Representatives Terri Sewell (D-Birmingham) and Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) co-sponsored a bill that passed the House last week requiring all House members, employees,...

Despite chatter about booting Moore from Senate, it would not be quick or easy

    There has been much chatter in Washington that the Senate might expel Roy Moore or even refuse to seat him at all if he...

Jimmy Kimmel says he’s coming to Alabama with ‘a team of high school cheerleaders’ to fight Roy Moore ‘in a mall’ after comedian disrupts...

  It’s come to this, Alabama: Jimmy Kimmel said he’s ready to fly down to Alabama and have a fist fight with Roy Moore. Why is...

Roy Moore comes roaring back in recent poll

    Depending on who you ask, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore either has a five or six point lead in his race against Democrat...

How to lose an election: Drag queens for Doug Jones

    A group of anti-Roy Moore protestors led by media darling and drag queen Ambrosia Starling held a rally earlier this week on the steps...

Senate election could produce rare delegation party split in Alabama

    Sexual misconduct allegations against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore have raised the very real possibility that Democrat Doug Jones could win next month’s special...

J. Pepper Bryars: Have pro-life Democrat candidates become an endangered species in Alabama?

Pro-life candidates in the Alabama Democratic Party have long been on the political equivalent of the threatened species list. Abortion rights extremists have hunted them...