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VIDEO: No collusion and no obstruction, misleading poll has Roy Moore on top, small ethics changes pass Alabama legislature and more on Guerrilla Politics...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Will we now move on...

7 Things: Time to move on from collusion, Alabama reacts to the Mueller report, Mo Brooks not running for Senate and more …

7. Food stamp recipients will soon be able to order their groceries online --- The U.S. Department of Agriculture is launching a pilot program that...

7 Things: It’s Mueller time, Trump, Shelby, Ivey get good poll numbers in Alabama, Ivey touts roads being built as part of Rebuild Alabama...

7. Marijuana decriminalization bill advances; Jefferson County may stop enforcing the law altogether --- An 11-0 committee vote shows this bill has bipartisan support to...

I was the victim of a political prosecution — When they couldn’t indict, I knew I was exonerated

The media and the Democrats told you President Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with the Russians and that FBI special counsel Robert Mueller...

7 Things: Trump ready for Mueller report, Alabama’s potential new abortion bill is ready for a public hearing, deeper look at new polling looks...

7. The new Alabama ethics bill is not dead and the sponsor doesn't like Alabama's attorney general's suggestion for changes --- State Sen. Greg Albritton...

7 Things: Trump continues push to move illegal aliens to sanctuary cities, Jones raises majority of campaign money from outside of Alabama, Shelby wants...

7. Notre Dame Cathedral partially destroyed by fire --- The famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris suffered a massive fire that led to the collapse...

Shouldn’t Alabama’s attorney general actually be on a crusade against illegal gambling?

As mentioned in my 7 Things and at Yellowhammer over the weekend, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall wanted to make it clear that he...

7 Things: Criticism of Democrats is now ‘incitement,’ illegal immigration conversation has gone off the rails, Alabama AG Marshall not on an anti-gambling ‘crusade’...

7. Tax Day is here -- The media and their Democrats have been lying to you --- Under President Donald Trump’s tax cuts, more than...

VIDEO: AG Barr angers Democrats again, Alabama Democrats’ civil war, high-profile bills stall in the Alabama Legislature and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Why are the media and...

Rumors and Rumblings, 2nd Ed. Vol. III

“Rumors and Rumblings” is a regular feature on Yellowhammer News. It is a compilation of the bits and pieces of information that we glean...

7 Things: Comey trusts AG Barr’s interpretation of Mueller report, media and their Democrats are furious Trump would try to release illegal aliens into...

7. The anti-road rage act passes the House --- On Thursday, the Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill that would make driving in the...

The liberal media is still lying about the Trump tax cut and they know it works

Vox's Matt Yglesias bragged about how the media and their Democrats have effectively misled the American people on the impact of the Trump tax...

7 Things: AG Barr says there was spying on the Trump campaign, Alabama congressman wants Democrats to help on immigration, ethics revamp hits a...

7. Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange arrested in Ecuadoran embassy --- A bearded, ranting and irritated-looking Assange was removed from the embassy he has been hiding...

7 Things: AG Barr says redacted report is almost ready, Trump spikes talk of new family separations, Marshall rolls on illegal gambling and more...

7. Alabama bill would require the Pledge of Allegiance in all schools --- House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainsville) introduced the bill after finding out...

Alabama’s legislators who voted for a gas tax increase may have an ally in President Donald Trump

Could President Donald Trump really be considering a gas tax increase for infrastructure improvements? According to a McClatchy report, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao said...

7 Things: Immigration chaos continues, Gaetz out of the 2020 Senate race — Tommy Tuberville in, AG Marshall delivers stinging rebuke of former Speaker...

7. One of the two actresses ensnared in the college admission scandal has pleaded guilty and may avoid jail time --- Felicity Huffman is one...

VIDEO: Still no collusion, Alabama’s upcoming abortion fight, broken prison could lead to a federal takeover and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Even though there is no...

Rumors and Rumblings, 2nd Ed. Vol. II

"Rumors and Rumblings" is a regular feature on Yellowhammer News. It is a compilation of the bits and pieces of information that we glean...

7 Things: Florida congressman could run for senator in Alabama, Democrats sue the president as border crisis continues, Planned Parenthood has an ominous threat...

7. The free market works -- Target looks to raise its minimum wage to $15 per hour --- Target has raised its minimum wage once...

Give the people of Alabama what they want — A lottery

The Alabama legislature failed to move forward on either of the pieces of lottery legislation before them today. Instead, there appears to be so many...

7 Things: Members of Mueller’s team are frustrated, DOJ warns Alabama again on prisons, Joe Biden gives a sad apology and more …

7. Schools in Alabama may have to start actually teaching sex education --- State Senator Tom Whatley (R-Auburn) has introduced a bill that would...

7 Things: Border closure seems unlikely, State Rep. Collins wants a legal fight on abortion at the Supreme Court, a real ‘clean lottery’ bill...

7. The previous inaction by Sheriff Mark Pettway on illegal gambling in Jefferson County may be motivated by his brother's $50,000 loan to his...

7 Things: The usual suspects are moaning about Trump acting on the border, Alabama legislators are working on abortion legislation, Merrill vs. Jones escalates...

7. Sporting goods store removes rifles and then lost $150 million --- The change started in February 2018 when Dick’s Sporting Goods announced that it...

7 Things: Trump ready to close the border, Doug Jones is vulnerable, gambling goes unchallenged in Jefferson County and more …

7. Governor Ivey and other elected officials are ready to make a push for a full census count to protect Alabama's House seats --- Ivey,...