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7 Things: House passes bill to give Trump $5 billion for the wall, Dems mimic Russians in Doug Jones’ win, ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis walks...

7. Alabama's slow population growth could cost Alabama a congressional seat and a lot of federal funding --- Alabama's population only grew by 12,751 people,...

More Democratic dirty tricks come into view by faking Russian support for Roy Moore in Alabama’s 2017 special election

Make no mistake about it, Judge Roy Moore was a terrible candidate for U.S. Senate. Any of the other candidates, including highly-compromised Luther Strange would...

7 Things: U.S. out of Syria, ethics complaint dismissed against AG Marshall, Congress moves to avoid a shutdown while the wall supporters lose out...

7. The rich get richer as Alabama has the number one signing class after the first day of the early signing period --- As if being...

The Trump, GOP collapse on the wall is a perfect ending to 2018 for Republican voters

President Donald Trump had made it clear, many times, he would do a government shutdown over the border. A timeline of Trump's government shutdown threats...

7 Things: Shelby, White House signal shutdown won’t happen, Flynn sentencing delayed as judge goes off, bipartisan prison reform passes and more …

7. Fox News' Tucker Carlson is the latest political talker to be attacked by liberal groups and the media; He fought back --- Multiple advertisers,...

Doug Jones cannot win in Alabama again until he acknowledges why he beat Roy Moore

Ask anyone with a brain how Alabama elected a liberal Democrat to the United State Senate in 2017 and they will give you one...

7 Things: Very little new info in Senate report on Russian interference, more confusion in the Riverchase Galleria story, Doug Jones is delusional about...

7. Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL) may be the only person who can help Alabama keep its seven Congressional seats  --- As Shelby is involved in negotiations...

VIDEO: Michael Cohen’s sentence, Tariffs impact on Alabama, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle in studio and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Breitbart News TV editor and Yellowhammer News contributor Jeff Poor and Calhoun Community College professor Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week’s biggest...

7 Things: Trump owns shutdown, Schumer, Pelosi, gas tax movement gains steam and supporters, Hoover boycott leaders try to take their movement national and...

7. Jury recommends white nationalist get 419 years in jail --- A jury recommended 419 years for James Alex Fields Jr., who was convicted of...

7 Things: Nation of Islam is leading Hoover boycott, gas tax may meet some resistance in Alabama, President Trump seeks a new chief of...

7. More Americans get news from social media than from newspapers --- Somehow, more Americans get their news from social media (20 percent) than print...

7 Things: No collusion but still bad news for Trump, arrests start in Hoover, jobs report look good while stock market stumbles and more...

7. While riots go on in Paris over climate taxes, America is still the leader in driving down its CO2 output --- More than 1,700...

VIDEO: Flynn pleads guilty, 40 Democratic presidential candidates, Ainsworth leads GOP field to take on Doug Jones in 2020 and more on Guerrilla Politics...

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Michael Flynn pleads and could...

Is the Riverchase Galleria really ‘the safest place in America?’

In an interview discussing the Thanksgiving night shooting, Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato encouraged people to support local businesses. It is a call that comes...

7 Things: President Bush’s funeral, Hoover PD gets Gov. Ivey’s support as they attempt to assert control, gas tax talk keeps coming and more...

7. Classless pundits of all stripes use the death of President George H. W. Bush to rip President Trump ---America’s media and political pundits from the...

Using George H.W. Bush’s death to slam President Donald Trump shows a problem with your character, not his

President Donald Trump is a bit of a cad. If you want to slam him, just wait a few hours and he will say...

7 Things: Hoover protests getting out of hand, Alabama company will take Bush to his final resting place, ‘Tariff Man’ tweet hurts stock market...

7. As many as 40 Democrats could run for president; Joe Biden thinks he is the most qualified --- With a little less than two years...

While the media hyperventilates about voter fraud in North Carolina, they may want to take a look at California (and Alabama)

Democrats like to note that in-person voting fraud is rare, and they are right. This argument is usually made to point out that voter...

7 Things: Autopsy ratchets up the tension in Birmingham, Mike Rogers opposes government contract awarded to an Alabama company, Alabama home values take a...

7. Alabama-based religious broadcaster wins its battle with the federal government over religious liberty --- The Birmingham-based Eternal Word Television Network has struck a deal...

Calling cops ‘terrorists’ and ‘klansmen’ isn’t going to help anyone

Whatever happened in Hoover when Emantic "E.J." Bradford Jr. was killed on Thanksgiving night was obviously a tragedy. Whether the police officer killed him in...

7 Things: Former President George H.W. Bush passes, Galleria shooter arrested, Alabama remains number one and more …

7. Bellefonte nuke deal falls through, but it still may not be over --- The purchase of the Bellefonte nuclear power plant for $111 million...

VIDEO: Cohen pleads guilty, shooting at an Alabama mall, Byrne makes moves against Doug Jones and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week's biggest political stories, including: -- Is this when they finally...

7 Things: Hoover Galleria suspect apprehended, Michael Cohen plea revitalizes media’s Mueller fever and more …

7. About that border wall: One-third in migrant caravan being treated for health issues --- FoxNews.com reports one-third of the migrants in the caravan at...

7 Things: Trump denies Russian collusion in answers to Mueller, Hoover officials attempt to calm the city, Alabama sees great tax revenue numbers and...

7. Looks like Speaker Nancy Pelosi is inevitable after all --- Pelosi looks to be a lock after winning a Democratic caucus vote by a...

Mississippi election outcome disproves myth of Doug Jones’ 2017 win

Since the day U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) won his election, the media has continued to hammer home a completely unsupported myth about how...