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Guest Opinion

The case for state control of alcoholic beverages

It’s that time of year again. The Alabama Legislature is only days from its opening session, and lawmakers across the state are drafting bills...

Byrne: Staying focused in a crazy Washington

Before the new Congress began at the start of this year, I made a prediction: With the new Democrat majority, we could expect crazy...

The house that survived the hurricane

Last October, Hurricane Michael slammed the Florida panhandle with 155 mile per hour (mph) winds. Mexico Beach was largely destroyed, except for one exceptional,...

Taxation without representation — Clearing up the confusion between cities and counties caused by exterritorial jurisdictions

Just before the Revolutionary War and largely in response to the Stamp Act imposed by the British on the American colonies, the Massachusetts lawyer...

Kay Ivey: An Alabama solution to rebuilding the Alabama Corrections System

In order to correct a problem, you must first admit there is a problem. In Alabama, we have a problem. Our problem is our...

Gold, inflation and theft

President Trump is reportedly considering former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and one-time presidential candidate Herman Cain for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Mr. Cain’s...

Byrne: Choosing American greatness

Last week, President Trump gave the State of the Union address to the nation. I can say that in all my time in Washington,...

Roby: Reflecting on the president’s State of the Union and pro-life call to action

Every year, the State of the Union address provides an important opportunity for the sitting president to speak directly to Congress and the American...

Mike Rogers’ report from Washington: Choosing greatness in the state of our Union

As most folks may have seen on television, on Tuesday, February 5, President Donald Trump made his way to the House of Representatives chamber...

Del Marsh: Doug Jones does not represent Alabamians, protect unborn

Last week, as the Democratic governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, voiced his support of doctors being able to legally refuse to treat newborn babies...

Byrne: Supporting our military, repaying our veterans

One of the highest honors from my time in Congress has been the many interactions I’ve had with members of our nation’s armed forces...

Roby: New Congress brings new opportunities for the Second District

Last month, the 116th Congress was sworn-in, and I was honored to take the oath and begin my fifth term serving Alabama’s Second District....

Do career interest surveys make a difference?

Do you remember taking a career interest survey when you were in high school? Did it determine your career journey, or was it just...

Byrne: How to fix our broken government

Over the last several weeks, we saw a prime example of how our government is broken. A portion of the federal government shut down,...

Should we tax greenhouse gases?

A group of distinguished economists, including Nobel prize winners and past Council of Economic Advisors members, recently supported a carbon tax. While the economic...

Roby: Prayers for Wetumpka during this time of recovery

On the afternoon of Saturday, January 19, a powerful tornado hit the City of Wetumpka in Elmore County, ripping through the beautiful downtown area...

Time to combat increased telemarketing abuses

“Sarah, can you get me Floyd at the barbershop?” Such a request was typical of phone service in the 1950’s and prior, not only...

Steve Marshall: The high price of protecting the public

Barely three weeks into the New Year – a time that is supposed to be full of optimism for the future – Alabama has...

Rachel Bryars: Four myths to dispel during Alabama School Choice Week

Gov. Kay Ivey recently proclaimed this “Alabama School Choice Week” and thousands of families will celebrate reforms created by the Alabama Accountability Act, including...

Byrne: The sanctity of life

I am proudly pro-life. Millions of Americans are as well. The sanctity of human life is immeasurable, and the countless Americans who feel the same...

Is anything an accident?

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has suggested charging Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) with murder in connection with last November’s Camp Fire. The deadliest...

Roby: Commemorating the 2019 March for Life

Forty-six years ago this month, the Supreme Court of the United States offered its infamous Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion on demand in this...

Alabama WFF Ramps Up CWD Sampling Effort

With positive tests for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Tennessee and additional positives in Mississippi, the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division has...

Byrne: Get the show on the road

It is time for the Democrat leaders in Washington to stop posturing when it comes to border security and end the government shutdown. The old...