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Walt Maddox says he will ‘never lie to you,’ but that’s not believable

Democrats have it good.

If a Republican started a campaign commercial with this image, they would be mocked by every media outlet in Alabama, CNN would cover it and late night shows would have a blast.

Instead, there is almost no coverage of it at all.

Why? It’s terrible and reminiscent of another media darling.

The other reason this ad is ignored? Walt Maddox is lying, and not just about lying.

Walt Maddox is not pro-life like he claims, nor is he pro-Second Amendment like he claims.

On abortion, Maddox wrote:

“Although I am personally opposed to abortion, under the law of the land a woman has a right to choose up until the point of fetal viability. The federal Hyde Amendment prohibits use of federal funds to pay for abortions except those that endanger the life of the woman, or that result from rape or incest, and Alabama law does not provide any state funds for abortions. The courts will ultimately decide which of Alabama’s several laws regulating abortion are constitutional, including any restrictions on new abortion clinics. As a governor sworn to uphold the federal and state constitutions and the laws of Alabama, I will faithfully execute Alabama’s laws within the constitutional limits defined by the Supreme Court.”

That’s obviously not a pro-life position. It’s a series of reason to not act to end abortion.

He’s also opposed to a legit pro-life constitutional amendment and is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. In no way does that resemble the characteristics of a pro-life candidate.

On guns, Maddox stated:

“[L]et me make my position clear. I will never favor taking any existing constitutional right away from any American unless we, as a people, come to the conclusion that restraint of some rights helps ensure the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by all.”

He’s also endorsed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group Mom’s Demand Action.

This stuff is not even close to believable.

The media has to be disappointed in Maddox. They view him as a progressive hope who was going to carry the momentum of Doug Jones, who the media allowed to lie as well, to a Medicaid expansion and a new era in Alabama politics.

Instead, he is going to get destroyed because this entire act is unbelievable and embarrassing.

@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a conservative talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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