HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — During an interview with talk radio host Matt Murphy, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL05) warned that he would move to impeach Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton, should she be elected president in November of 2016. Brooks said Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State resulted in a national security breakdown that included “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
“In my judgement, with respect to Hillary Clinton, she will be a unique president if she is elected by the public next November, because the day she’s sworn in is the day that she’s subject to impeachment because she has committed high crimes and misdemeanors,” Brooks explained.
“Why do you think Joe Biden is thinking about running for president?” He later asked The Hill. “To a large degree, he’s waiting to see if Hillary Clinton gets arrested or indicted.”
Never one to shy away from bold or controversial statements, Brooks also asserted that Clinton and most other Democrats are no less socialist than self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
“Hillary Clinton’s a socialist,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of Democrat elected officials in America are socialists, if you look at the definition of a socialism, which is bigger government, more intrusion into our daily affairs… greater control or management, more dictation as to what we can and cannot do with our daily lives — that’s all socialism.”
Brooks actually commended Sanders for having the courage to honestly tout his socialist beliefs, unlike the other Democrats running for president.
“Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are trying to out-promise each other with free stuff, which, of course, isn’t free,” he said. “Hopefully the voters will learn their lesson that there are real pitfalls on the economic path Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to take us on. It would ultimately result in the collapse of the country and then we’ll rebuild from there.”
(h/t al.com)