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7 Things: Trump hits Sessions again, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones votes to keep funding Planned Parenthood, Maddox is hanging around with convicted felons who can’t vote and more …

7. Absurd drag queens are reading to toddlers at a Mobile public library

— A group of drag queens will be reading to children (if any show up) at a public library. Pastors and others are having none of this.

A Mobile-based Tea Party group says they will be protesting the event, which is sure to attract media and very few participants.

6. Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani believes there will be a “people’s revolt” if Trump is impeached

— While on a golf outing, Giuliani told Sky News, “You could only impeach [Trump] for political reasons and the American people would revolt against that”.

— Although impeachment of President Trump seems highly unlikely to succeed, and Democrats don’t want to discuss it, the media is continuing to float the possibility that it could be on the horizon if Democrats take the House.

5. An Alabama preacher says the “Deep State” is coming for President Donald Trump and calls for prayers for him

— Pastor John Kilpatrick of Daphne’s Church of His Presence cited “witchcraft” and claimed it is trying to take over the country.

— Kilpatrick said the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told him to “pray for him now because he said there’s about to be a shift and the deep state is about to manifest and it’s going to be a showdown like you can’t believe.”

4. Another Trump confidant, the American Media Inc.’s David Pecker has been given immunity 

— As if the week couldn’t get any worse for the president, his good friend and the National Enquirer’s publisher Pecker was granted immunity as part of the investigation into Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.

— A court filing showed that “encrypted” communications involving Pecker, Cohen and other A.M.I. employees were obtained and involved payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

3. Democratic candidate for governor Walt Maddox is palling around with convicted felon former Governor Don Siegelman

— Maddox and Siegelman were spotted in Selma campaigning for Maddox and Joseph Siegelman, who is running for attorney general. The elder Siegelman has a felony corruption conviction and can not vote.

— Maddox, like Siegelman, seems to be making the lottery proposal a central part of his campaign strategy. It is worth noting that lottery push ended up being a key part of the case that sent Siegelman to jail.

2. Senator Doug Jones has voted against defunding Planned Parenthood

— Jones joined other red state Democrats in blocking the defunding of the organization, including Joe Donnelly,  Claire McCaskill,  Heidi Heitkamp, Jon Tester and Joe Manchin, who unlike Jones, are all up for re-election.

— This comes the day after Jones called for a ‘”pause” in Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation process to the Supreme Court where the abortion issue seems to be the main issue at play.

1. President Trump goes after Attorney General Sessions (again). Sessions finally pushes back

— Trump is back to punching at his own attorney general when things aren’t going his way, saying, “I put in an attorney general that never took control of the Justice Department, Jeff Sessions”.

— As rumors swirled about his future in his current post, Sessions responded by saying, “I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in,” and, “While I am attorney general, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.”

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