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7 Things: Iran attacks, Jones makes contradictory statements, Byrne says this isn’t World War III and more …

7. Bloomberg is pushing for gun control and using an Alabama example

  • Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is new in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary race, and now as he takes his stance for gun control, using a shooting at Mobile’s Ladd-Peebles Stadium as an example of the need for change.
  • In August 2019, a 17-year-old started shooting at people at the stadium and shot nine people. Bloomberg shared a New York Times article of the event, saying, “We live in a country where stories like this are normal, and that is unacceptable. Gun violence in this country is a true national emergency and I have dedicated my life’s work to combating it. As president, I will continue that fight.”

6. Trump is relaxing his threat on cultural sites

  • Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, President Donald Trump said that he’s going to follow the international law that protects cultural sites, but Trump did question why Iran is “allowed to kill our people.” He added, “[T]hey’re allowed to maim our people, they’re allowed to blow up everything that we have and there’s nothing that stops them. And we are, according to various laws, supposed to be very careful with their cultural heritage.”
  • Trump also said that the strike that killed Qasem Soleimani “saved a lot of lives” because “they were planning something.”

5. Mazda-Toyota about to start hiring

  • In just a few days, the Mazda-Toyota plant will start hiring about 50 people per week, totaling around 4,000 by the time the plant is fully operational in 2022.
  • The average salary at the plant will be $50,000. Once the plant is at full production, 300,000 vehicles will be manufactured there every year.

4. Alabama website hacked by Iranians

  • The South Alabama Veterans Council’s (SAVC) website was hacked and defaced by Iranians, with the pages of the website being replaced by pictures of Qasem Soleimani and the words “Hacked by Iranian Hacker…Hacked by Shield Iran.”
  • SAVC is a private organization, but they are sponsored by the non-profit organization Military Officers Association of America. This hacking seems to also be linked to the hacking of the Texas Department of Agriculture’s website.

3. Cool it with the WWIII talk

  • U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) said that the fears of a World War III  are a bit dramatic, but instead said that the strike that killed Soleimani was “the right decision” and “has been coming for a very long time.”
  • Byrne also mentioned that he didn’t see World War III as being likely because President Donald Trump “has made it clear that he does not want to be in these wars in the Middle East. He wants them to stop. He wants to talk to the Iranians.” He also noted that there’s a very real threat to military men and women overseas, adding, “We all need to be on our toes about that.”

2. Doug Jones thinks Americans are less safe with Soleimani dead

  • Appearing on CNN, shortly after Iran’s attack on American bases in Iraq, U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) said, “[W]hat we know is that the president and the administration, with the killing of Soleimani, has put Americans at risk.”
  • These words are in stark contrast to his words last week after the killing, where he said, “I commend our intelligence personnel for their critical role and our military personnel who successfully implemented President Trump’s orders. [Qasem] Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of countless American service members and innocent civilians. The world is most certainly a better place without him at the helm of Iran’s notorious Quds Force.”

1. Missile attacks from Iran hit U.S. bases

  • Multiple locations in Iraq have been hit with missile attacks, mostly focused around the Al-Assad Air Base in Anbar. Iran has taken credit for the attacks but there have been no casualties on the bases and Iran seems to be attempting to beg off this confrontation, even falsely claiming to their citizens, and a compliant American media, that 30 Americans were killed.
  • President Donald Trump tweeted, “All is well.” He promised to make a statement Wednesday morning where he will address the current actions by Iran and the killing of terrorists and Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. Watch for the American media to state that Trump’s non-response is a violation of an imaginary “red-line.”

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