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7 Things: Deep State Russian madness is back, new poll shakes up Senate race, Tuberville addresses attack ads and more …

7. Officer on desk duty after viral video of arrest

  • Mobile police officer Blake Duke has been placed on desk duty after a video of him arresting Howard Green, Jr. has gone viral online, and now the Mobile Police Department is investigating the incident.
  • During the arrest, Green was put into a headlock while being placed in the back of a patrol car, but he’s had a warrant for his arrest out since April 2019 for harassment. Green is also being charged with resisting arrest, failure to obey and disorderly conduct.

6. Everyone knows of at least one “bad” Sanders supporter

  • U.S. Representative Steve Scalise (R-LA) can think of at least one example of a U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) “supporter being bad,” even though Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison can’t think of a single one being “unusually mean or bad.”
  • Scalise was shot by a Sanders supporter while practicing for a congressional baseball game in 2017. Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) was there with others from the baseball team as well, and this exchange has happened among the debate on whether candidates are responsible for their supporters’ actions.

5. Stone only gets a little more than three years

  • Roger Stone made false statements to investigators during the investigation into President Donald Trump and Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election; he has now been sentenced to three years in prison for his offenses.
  • U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman said that Stone’s actions were “deliberate” and “planned,” but she also said the sentencing request was excessive, just as President Trump did. Berman sentenced him to the sentence Attorney General William Barr suggested, therefore the media panic was for nothing.

4. New poll suggests Trump wins in any matchup in key swing state

  • The latest poll from Quinnipiac University shows that no matter who President Donald Trump is up against in Wisconsin, he wins by at least 7%, which would be if he were against former Vice President Joe Biden or U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
  • In the event that Trump is up against former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg or former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Trump leads by 8%. If Trump squares off with U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), he wins by 10%. Against U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Trump wins by at least 11%.

3. Tuberville confused about what ads attacking him are saying?

  • While at an event hosted by the Downtown Republican Women of Huntsville and the Madison County Young Republicans, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville addressed the campaign ads against him where he’s quoted that he’s “pissed off at Donald Trump” over the treatment of veterans.
  • Tuberville has taken this to mean that the ads are saying that he “hate[s] the veterans,” but he said that “President Trump loves our military, loves our VA, he’s fighting for them. But we’ve got to keep fighting.” This mirrors his response to ads that showed him supporting amnesty.

2. Tuberville might have taken the lead

  • The super PAC Club for Growth Action has conducted a new poll for the U.S. Senate race in Alabama, and the poll put former Auburn Football coach Tommy Tuberville in the lead with 32%.
  • Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions fell to second place at 29%, while U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) has remained consistent with 17%. A total of 16% of respondents remain undecided.

1. It’s the Russians … again

  • After years of Russia investigation speculation, zero evidence that anyone on the Trump campaign team colluded with the Russians and maniacal obsession with baseless conspiracy theories about Russians costing Democrats 2016, it appears that the same players are going right back to the same story that the Russians and Trump might be in cahoots for 2020.
  • After a classified briefing to members of Congress, multiple sources proceeded to go to the New York Times, which led to a headline that screamed, “Russia Backs Trump Re-election, and Trump Fears That Democrats Will Exploit Its Support.” This just further proves the Deep State is continuing to operate to defeat Donald Trump like it did in 2016.

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