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7 Things: Biden travel ban somehow not xenophobic; AL House Leader answers criticism; and more …

7. Tuberville’s bill for fallen soldiers passed

  • Alabama’s senior U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Auburn) continues to work on helping American military families. His “Fallen Act” was already passed and signed in October but an error needed a correction and that was handled this week.
  • Tuberville applauded the fixed bill, which will allow service members to transfer their post-9/11 GI bill benefits to a spouse or child under certain circumstances, “I’m proud we could deliver another win for our military families and ensure dependents aren’t barred from using the educational benefits they’ve earned.”

6. If lying is now criminal, D.C. will become a prison colony

  • U.S. Rep.-elect George Santos (R-N.Y.) is in political trouble with Republicans, Democrats, the media, and sane people everywhere pointing out that a guy who lies about his entire resume shouldn’t be a member of Congress. Interestingly, Santos could have some legal issues as well.
  • Republican Nassau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly is coming for the rookie politician but is less than clear what the crimes being investigated are: “The numerous fabrications and inconsistencies associated with Congressman-Elect Santos are nothing short of stunning.” This all seems like an investigation looking for a crime, which seems like a roadmap to putting a lot of politicians in legal crosshairs.

5. Brooks slams TVA

  • Criticism of the Tennessee Valley Authority’s rolling blackouts has been relatively sparse despite the pronouncements that recent temperatures would not impact power usage to the point where they would be required. One of the voices criticizing the TVA is U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) who called the utilities’ reasoning “Orwellian,” adding, “if I recall correctly, and I’m going to paraphrase, but the quote was from the TVA, ‘We have to have rolling blackouts in order to ensure reliable electricity delivery.”
  • He said we have seen these temperatures before and they should have been prepared. “The cold streak that we’ve had over the last week, that’s happened before. So we’ve had those kind of demands on our electricity supply, people trying to heat their homes, keep their pipes from bursting and everything else. The TVA should have been prepared for it.”

4. Alabama lawmakers happy to see Title 42 extended

  • While Title 42 seems to be the latest focus of the immigration debate, it is still in play and we still have record illegal immigration, and the decision by the Supreme Court to extend it has been applauded by many.
  • Two Alabama lawmakers, U.S. Reps. Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) and Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) expressed cautious optimism. Moore said, “While this news is positive, our border will remain in crisis until Biden commits to ending lawlessness at our border and beyond.” And Palmer opined, “SCOTUS made the right decisions by extending Title 42. The Biden Administration has no plan to stop the unfolding crisis at the southern border and is putting Americans at risk with their decision making.”

3. Alabama House Majority Leader defends recent decisions

  • The Alabama State House’s new Majority Leader Scott Stadthagen (R-Hartselle) answered a couple of questions about his fundraising and office renovations in a livestream interview. He also foreshadowed a debate over a new Statehouse building because of the age of the current building and health issues surrounding it.
  • Leader Stadthagen was adamant that his fundraising from the group Club for Growth for his STACKPAC will be used to turn out Republican voters and the renovations being done to the Majority Leader’s office will NOT be paid for with taxpayer dollars but out of his campaign funds, which is legally permissable.

2. Chinavirus season 4 looks like a lame repeat 

  • As China continues struggling with its handling of COVID-19, with subpar vaccines and no natural immunity, there are some signs that the spread of the illness will be global … again. In China, more than 30% of the nation – as many as 248 million – have tested positive this month alone.
  • In a recent flight from the communist country to Milan, Italy, more than one-half of the Chinese citizens on the plane tested positive for the virus. Another flight had almost half test positive. Italy will handle this by isolating those who have tested positive.

1. Biden copies Trump policies he called “xenophobic”

  • President Joe Biden’s administration has placed a travel ban on China. This shows that the media and their Democrats meant very little of what they actually said during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic and proves they only cared about political power. While this is the right move, when former President Donald Trump implemented a similar travel ban, it was called “xenophobic” and ineffective by many who are oddly silent now.
  • The new restrictions force anyone coming from China will to show a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than two days before travel. The effectiveness of this is questionable, given the incubation period of the illness, it is not xenophobic.

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