Melody Creasy of Homewood, Alabama, was in Walmart on Monday — Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — with her three children, when she was “blown away” by a surprise gift from a total stranger.
“I was checking out at Walmart this afternoon with my crew of three littles when an African-American man came up to me and offered to pay my whole bill,” Creasy explained. “He didn’t even look to see how much it was!”
Creasy said the man noticed she had an adopted African-American child, which compelled him to show his personal desire for racial reconciliation through an unexpected act of kindness.
“He said that in honor of (Martin Luther King, Jr.) and in the spirit of racial reconciliation, he wanted to thank me for my efforts in mending and investing in the African-American community.
“With everything going on in our country that seems to divide races and foster hate,” she continued, “I was so incredibly surprised by this man’s generosity.”
MLK preached specifically about seeking racial reconciliation, urging the crowd at his famed “I Have a Dream” speech to “not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.”
Mrs. Creasy said the man she met in Walmart reminded her of how kindness can create unity in a world so full of divisiveness.
“Thank you, random man at Walmart,” she concluded, “for the encouragement and reminder that little acts of kindness can make a big difference.”