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Tuberville launches first general election TV ad — ‘Doug Jones is with Schumer and Pelosi, and I’m with you’

Republican U.S. Senate nominee Tommy Tuberville on Tuesday launched his first television advertisement ahead of the 2020 general election.

Tuberville is set to face U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) on November 3, and the new 30-second spot cuts to the core of Alabama Republicans’ message this fall: Jones is aligned with the national Democratic Party rather than the majority of his own constituents back home.

The Tuberville ad outlines key policy differences between the Senate candidates, including on the Second Amendment, abortion and immigration.

“Since becoming interim senator, Doug Jones has opposed everything that Alabamians support and supported everything that Alabamians oppose,” Tuberville campaign manager Paul Shashy said in a statement.

“Coach Tuberville’s ad makes the case that on issues like abortion, gun control, and taxes, Doug Jones represents liberal California and New York values, not conservative Alabama values,” he added.

RELATED: Doug Jones: Representing the majority of Alabamians not ‘the be all to end all’ (VIDEO)

Entitled “The Choice,” the ad is set to run on network and cable television channels, social media outlets, and other digital platforms.

“I’m Tommy Tuberville, and the choice between Doug Jones and me is very, very clear,” the GOP nominee says to begin the ad.

“Doug Jones voted to impeach President Trump,” Tuberville notes. “He supports open borders and gun grabbers.”

Tuberville continues, “Jones even wants to raise your taxes then use your money to pay for abortions. I’m going to help President Trump save our great country. Together we’ll secure the border, protect life, and get folks back to work.”

“I approve this message because Doug Jones is with Schumer and Pelosi, and I’m with you,” he concludes.


RELATED: Doug Jones brings in Biden to campaign for him — ‘We’ve got to redeem the soul of America’

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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