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Tuberville: Doug Jones questioning others’ Christianity exemplifies ‘hypocrisy of the left’

Republican nominee Tommy Tuberville interviewed on Talk 99.5’s “Matt and Aunie Show” on Thursday morning and updated listeners on the status of Alabama’s U.S. Senate race. He is set to face incumbent U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) less than four weeks from now.

The GOP candidate emphasized that he was focused on grassroots campaigning and hearing from Alabamians directly on what matters to them. Thursday, Tuberville noted, he was touring Google’s data center near Scottsboro and had an event scheduled later in the day in Fort Payne. He outlined that he recently has visited several farmers across the state to see how harvesting was going.

This is a contrast with Jones, Tuberville argued.

“He’s trying to win it on television,” Tuberville advised. “He raised, I don’t know, $10 million from California? He needs to be a senator from California. The statements that he’s made just in the last few days kind of shows you he’s trying to get in on the liberal, socialist party some way.”

Tuberville then referenced a Yellowhammer News article from Wednesday about how Jones said former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and President Donald Trump only “pretend” to support Christian values.

“Are you kidding me? This guy votes for late-term abortion … and he says these guys aren’t Christian? I mean it’s just the hypocrisy of the left,” Tuberville commented of his November 3 general election opponent.

RELATED: Drawing from her own experience, Alabama woman says Doug Jones should ask ‘God for forgiveness’ on abortion

Tuberville subsequently said of Jones, “He votes for himself and his party. You can’t do that. You’ve got to represent your people.”

The former Auburn University head football coach soon thereafter referenced another Yellowhammer News story from Wednesday, this one regarding Jones’ defense of China when it comes to climate change.

“He must be getting money from China,” Tuberville speculated, adding “all these Democrats are.”

About Jones’ assertion that China is doing better than the United States when it comes to combatting climate change, Tuberville reacted, “What in the world is this guy drinking?”

“We’re cutting back on emissions, and [Jones] wants to get back in the Paris Accord — and that hasn’t done anything for the people of the United States of America. We can handle our own,” Tuberville remarked. “Has he ever looked and seen what they do to their garbage in China? They dump every bit of their garbage in the ocean. They have no plan to get rid of it like we do here. These Democrats, they are truly, truly scary. Because it’s all about corruption, it’s all about power and it’s all about money. Folks, if we don’t get these people out of there, if we don’t get President Trump back in there, we’re going to get a dose of it — and it’s going to come fast down the track.”

Co-host Andrea Lindenberg then brought up China’s role in spreading COVID-19 across the world, including to the United States.

“Can you believe Doug Jones is taking China’s side?” Tuberville added. “We don’t have any common sense amongst these people on the Democratic side.”

“You know, it’s one of the reasons I’m running,” he subsequently explained. “I’m going to speak for the people of Alabama. I’m going to speak up about our education system; we’re going to get jobs back here.”

Near the end of the segment, Tuberville decried members of the national media and Democrats who have attacked the faith of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States.

“They hate Christianity. The left absolutely hates it,” Tuberville lamented. “They want to do away with religious freedoms. Doug Jones, again, calling President Trump and Jeff Sessions un-Christian? I mean, where is this guy coming from?”

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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