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Trump’s Alabama approval rating highest in the nation for third consecutive month

Alabama once again has the highest approval and net approval of President Donald Trump’s job performance in the nation.

According to a poll released this week by Morning Consult, Trump has a net approval rating of 26% in the Yellowhammer State, with 61% of respondents approving and 35% disapproving. The survey covered the entire month of July.

These results mean Alabama has held Trump’s highest approval rating for three consecutive months. Wyoming edged Alabama out for this distinction in April by one percentage point. These two states, along with West Virginia, have alternated throughout Trump’s term for the number one spot.

From June to July, Trump’s net approval rating increased 2% in Alabama.

This past month, Mississippi climbed into the second place spot in the highest approval rating category, passing Wyoming with a 4% net leap.

The president’s net approval rating in the Yellowhammer State is down 10% from his inauguration high in January 2017.

Massachusetts, followed by California and Vermont, in July had the lowest net approval rating of Trump.

Sean Ross is the editor for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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