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Tommy Tuberville endorsed by another major pro-life group — ‘Jones is unfit’

The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List’s political arm on Friday announced its endorsement of Republican Tommy Tuberville for the United States Senate.

Tuberville, who previously was endorsed by the National Right to Life Committee, is running against U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) in the November 3 general election.

“For two years the pro-life values of Alabamians have been ignored and derided by pro-abortion Senator Doug Jones. That’s why it is imperative that Alabama elects Coach Tommy Tuberville to the U.S. Senate,” stated SBA List president Marjorie Dannenfelser.

This comes after SBA List recently rated Jones with an “F” grade in its annual scorecard of incumbent members of Congress.

Jones has been a staunch pro-abortion advocate while in the U.S. Senate, previously voting against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act two separate times. That legislation would prohibit abortion after 20 weeks’ gestation based on scientific research suggesting that fetuses are capable of feeling pain by that point in pregnancy, per National Review. A report released recently suggested that fetal pain is in fact possible even earlier in pregnancy than 20 weeks.

Alabama’s junior U.S. senator also previously voted against banning using federal funds for abortions.

“Earlier this year, Coach Tuberville’s opponent Doug Jones laughed off the issue of painful late-term abortion and called it ‘stupid’. Doug Jones went so far as to vote in favor of late-term abortion and was demoted to an ‘F’ grade on our National Pro-Life Scorecard,” Dannenfelser added. “In contrast, Coach Tuberville is 100% pro-life and will be an outspoken voice for the unborn. Just as he delivered victory on the football field, we have full confidence that he will deliver big wins for the pro-life movement.”

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, Tuberville welcomed the endorsement.

“I’m proud to have the endorsement of one of the nation’s most active and respected pro-life organizations,” the former Auburn University head football coach said in a statement to Yellowhammer News.

“In the 47 years since Roe v. Wade was handed down, more than 60 million unborn lives have been senselessly taken,” Tuberville continued. “As Alabama’s interim senator, Doug Jones has voted to preserve late term abortions and even supports using our taxpayer dollars to fund them. I’ll fight to protect the unborn and vote to confirm judges who will overturn the travesty known as Roe v. Wade. It’s time to replace Doug Jones with a senator who will represent our conservative Alabama values, not the California and New York values of his liberal campaign donors.”

The endorsement came the same day that Jones confirmed that he will not consider the merits of President Donald Trump’s next Supreme Court of the United States nominee, who will be announced by the president on Saturday evening.

“I will not support the confirmation of any Supreme Court justice nominee, regardless of who it might be — I will not support that nominee — before the outcome of the November 3 election has been determined,” Jones said.

“Senator Doug Jones betrayed Alabamians when he voted against Justice Kavanaugh and has betrayed them again today, before President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee has even been named,” Dannenfelser said in a separate statement.

“During his short time in office, Jones has proven to be an extremist, repeatedly siding against constituents and voting with the most radical members of his party – like Kamala Harris – in favor of abortion on demand through birth, paid for by taxpayers. … Jones is unfit to represent the pro-life, pro-Trump state of Alabama and will be held accountable at the ballot box,” she concluded.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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