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‘They are all crazy’: Alabama Republicans react to latest Democratic presidential debate

The latest 2020 Democratic presidential primary debate was televised nationally Thursday night on ABC, with Alabama Republicans coming away confident in President Donald Trump’s chances at reelection.

In perhaps the most succinct reaction to the three-hour spectacle, Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth tweeted, “My analysis of the Democratic Debate, they are all crazy!!!! Unreal how far to the left the party has gone.”

This came after a debate in which the leading Democratic candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, said, “Nobody should be in jail for a non-violent crime.”

This was far from the only radical statement made on the night.

Candidates advocated for socialism, reparations, ending private and employer-based health insurance, mandatory gun “buy-backs,” decreasing support of the U.S. military and using “climate change” as the issue that will supposedly bring bad actors, terrorists and rogue nations to the table, amongst other eyebrow raising back-and-forths.

“We have systemic racism that is eroding our nation,” former Congressman Robert O’Rourke said, touting his policy proposal for creating a White House office that would target “white supremacy.”

“It’s nice to go back to slavery, but we have more African Americans who are under government supervision today than all the slaves in 1850,” O’Rourke added.

Reacting to the debate, former Auburn University head football coach and current U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Tuberville said in a statement to Yellowhammer News, “I saw the ‘highlights’ of the #demdebate… these people want to take our guns, raise our taxes, and spread socialism; this is not what America is about.”

In a statement to Yellowhammer News, Congressman Bradley Byrne (AL-01) commented, “Tonight’s debate further solidified the importance of re-electing President Trump and fighting for his pro-life, pro-wall, pro-worker agenda.”

“Many of the ideas expressed on stage tonight are totally out of touch with the values that have made America great,” Byrne, also a U.S. Senate candidate, continued. “I’m shocked we’ve gotten to the point where these are the people the Democrats believe should be president. The good news is we can reject this radical socialist agenda by re-electing President Trump.”

In tweets, the National Republican Senatorial Committee reminded Alabamians that Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) has vowed to back any of these candidates against President Donald Trump, no matter how radically far-left the eventual Democratic nominee is.

This article may be updated as more reactions come in.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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