The 50 most powerful & influential people in Alabama

Joe Fine
Joe Fine, Lobbyist, Fine Geddie & Associates

[tps_title]Joe Fine, Lobbyist, Fine Geddie & Associates[/tps_title]

No individual on the Power & Influence 50 has been such a consistent power player for as long as Joe Fine. Pick a year in the last four decades and Fine would almost certainly be among the most influential people in state politics.

He was first elected to the Alabama Senate in 1970, then served a second term as Senate President Pro Tem. He went on to found the first lobbying firm of major significance in the state, and almost a half century later continues to impact the governing process every day the legislature is in session.

But even with his unparalleled success, Fine maintains a reputation for being among the nicest individuals in Alabama politics, whether he’s talking to a powerful senator, a client or a Statehouse staffer.