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Texas 2016: Cruz stomps Perry

Ted Cruz

Texas Republicans have moved on to the next big thing.

And there’s fresh evidence, that’s Ted Cruz.

A new poll of Lone Star State Republicans shows the freshman senator crushing outgoing Gov. Rick Perry in a hypothetical 2016 primary match-up.

Cruz leads the nine-person field with 38 percent compared to Perry’s 9 percent, according to a poll conducted by The Wickers Group and provided first to The RUN.

The totals of the statewide survey conducted between Sept. 7-9:

Ted Cruz 38%

Rand Paul 10%

Rick Perry 9%

Marco Rubio 9%

Chris Christie 9%

Jeb Bush 6%

Bobby Jindal 5%

Rick Santorum 2%

Scott Walker 0.5%

Not Sure/Refused 12%

The poll of 400 Republicans was conducted as part of a larger survey for another statewide candidate in Texas.  The margin of error is 4.5 percent.

Cruz’s lead in his homestate has grown since May, when he registered 23 percent at the top of the field.  In that poll, Perry was fourth with 12 percent.  That’s a four percent drop for Perry and a 15 percent boost for Cruz.

Perry put together a stellar performance on Crossfire Wednesday night against Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, but it appears that one of his most menacing threats to a 2016 run may be sitting right in his own backyard.

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