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Statewide tea party coalition endorses Gerritson, Roby campaign says conservative groups are split

Tea Party activist Becky Gerritson addresses a press conference in Montgomery after the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage decision.
Tea Party activist Becky Gerritson addresses a press conference in Montgomery after the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Tea Party and Conservative Coalition (ATPCC) banded together to endorse Wetumpka Tea Party president and nationally-known conservative activist Becky Gerritson in the Second District congressional race, simultaneously disavowing another Tea Party group which endorsed Republican incumbent Martha Roby.

“Becky has been a Tea Party conservative since the movement began in 2009,” the Coalition wrote in the press release announcing their endorsement. “As the President of Wetumpka Tea Party, she is one of the longest serving leaders in the nation. She is not only well known and respected here in Alabama, but also has a national reputation as a conservative warrior.”

The Coalition went on to condemn another Tea Party group, the Alabama Patriots, who endorsed Roby earlier this week.

“Voters should be wary of the Alabama Patriots Tea Party endorsement,” said Rainy Day Patriots state co-chair Ann Eubank. “Who is this person supporting Ms. Roby? Her voting record on conservative issues is abysmal. We encourage all voters to send a true conservative to Washington, D.C.”

Congresswoman Martha Roby’s office shot back at the disavowal, characterizing the endorsement as evidence of a split between factions within the Tea Party.

“It’s a shame to see Mrs. Gerritson’s supporters attacking conservative activists,” Roby spokesman Todd Stacy told Yellowhammer. “If Becky can’t even unite the Tea Party, how does she expect to unite the Republican Party?”

Gerritson came onto the national scene after giving an impassioned testimony before a congressional committee regarding the Wetumpka Tea Party’s persecution by the IRS.

“I am not here today as a serf or a vassal,” Gerritson said at the climax of her testimony. “I am not begging my lords for mercy. I am a born-free, American woman – wife, mother and citizen – and I’m telling MY government that you have forgotten your place. It is not your responsibility to look out for my well-being or monitor my speech. It is not your right to assert an agenda. The posts you occupy exist to preserve American liberty. You have sworn to perform that duty. And you have faltered.”

Since her testimony, Gerritson has travelled the country speaking at conservative groups and events.

This is the first time Roby, who is in the midst of her third term, will face a serious challenger running to her right.

“The current Representative for the 2nd District, Martha Roby, is not conservative,” the ATPCC continued, “as demonstrated by her voting record on the issues that Alabamians are most concerned about. Her Freedom Works score is 15 points lower than the Democrat she replaced. Ms. Roby’s Heritage Action lifetime score is a poor 56%, and she is considered to be a part of Boehner’s coalition in D.C..”

While Roby’s conservative scorecard scores are lower than Alabama’s other representatives, an analysis of the votes comprising such ratings reveals they are often for spending projects that directly benefit the farmers and military families in her district.

Regardless, opponents argue, significant action must be taken to curtail out of control federal spending, and those cuts will often be borne out at home.

The primary will occur on Tuesday March 1st, 2016.

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