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Ryan aide says Rubio’s defund ObamaCare efforts are ‘inauthentic, panicked’

YH Paul Ryan

An aide to Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan calls Sen. Marco Rubio’s decision to attempt to defund Obamacare as “inauthentic” and “panicked” in a Huffington Post piece.

Jon Ward’s story looks at the less bombastic approach Ryan has taken this year,  in sharp contrast with other 2016 contenders like Sens. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and even Rubio, each who has picked high-profile moments to play to the base of their party.

A Ryan aide is quoted on background questioning Rubio’s move to sign on to a temporary budget measure that withholds funds for Obamacare

“It comes off as inauthentic,” the Ryan ally said of Rubio. “I know they don’t believe that this is wise, this defund Obamacare and shut down the government. It’s crazy town. He doesn’t look like a leader. He looks like he’s panicked.”

Rubio spokesman Alex Conant plays clean-up: “Senator Rubio and Congressman Ryan have a great relationship and talk often. The opinion of some anonymous staffer is of little concern.”

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